Extra: Song Lyrics

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From bounded chains leapt a heartless man
Cold and brass and red
Skins so pained, sculpted by hand
From which his mother bled

He roams into the the rooms of more than a few
And brings about their breath
Such passionate fits of love and rue
Such they will remember to death

Gods child was Born wild

A fruitless agony

Soft lips And tough hands

She begs him to "touch me"

Oh Mary And god above whispers prayers
She says there's no saving me
From crude desire and devilish glares
Jesuit jezebel will see

He crept along the future pyre
To meet the woman who loved him so
Cold desire turned to fire
That melted the falling snow

That melted the falling snow

That melted the falling snow.

And he who falls for such a man
By god, save your soul,
For no matter how fast you've ran
Sinning always has a toll

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