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The crowd was sprawled out before us, rapt attention on Father Noah's warning words.

"For lying holds the most power, doesn't it? Controlling and manipulating an emotion. An irrevocable sin. Nearly unforgivable unless you are honest with god, and give your soul to him."

Yeah yeah, no one gives a fuck.

My eyes were on Thomas, as usual. His alb was cinched around his waist, pushing out his hips. God I could cry. He's so fucking hot and he doesn't even realize.

But no matter how hot he was I could barely keep from falling asleep. Until he started singing.

"From bounded chains leaps a champion," the lilt of his curved lips creating a nearly haunting sound, yet it still was full of something I could never describe well enough. Like honey, sweet and smooth. His eyes met mine in a way that could only be known as seductive.

"Soft lips and tough hands, she begs him to touch me." I felt the heat rise to my neck and cheeks.

The rest joined in, a beautiful harmony. The fuckers could sing. Hanson made Toms cold notes transform into a melody that I melted into.

The old lady next to me covered her mouth in shock. The words they were singing were not so 'church friendly' but I swore angels were singing.

"Cold desire turned to fire... that melted the falling snow, melted the falling snow..." He said alone, a solo that filled the silent room. No music joined with him. No piano to dull his harshness. A silence so strong filled only by his voice.

I leaned towards him, even though I was in the back of the pews, hoping to feel the warmth of his breath as he sung. I wanted to taste the lips that curled into each lyric.

They finished together, the final words warning us of infidelity, but no preaching could soil the way I heard this song.

Sinning is worth the sin. Punishment is worth the broken rule. Loving Thomas was worth going to hell for.

His lips were turned down, but not in sadness, in eagerness. And mine were too. I would take him right here in front of the entire church and god if he didnt immediately come to me and take me somewhere else. I needed him.

Father Noah gave off some parting words, and I nearly teleported I ran to him so fast.

He bit his lips, "Did you like my singing?"

I shook my head, "I loved it."

He blushed a deep red, his eyes glancing away. Jack was trying to get his attention.

"Ey, Tommy, proper singin you did today, best one you have done in a while. Though the oldies in the crowd didn't preciate the- er— suggestive lyrics. I thought it 'twas quite good though, eh?"

He smiled and nodded, "Thank you, the guys put some good effort in."

Jack shook his head, "No bruv, you carried that performance. The others did good, I suppose, but you were..." he signaled with his hands that his mind was blown.

Tom shrugged it off and turned away.

"Hey Jack, we've got to go get some stuff done in the garden. We'll catch up later yeah?" I pushed, grabbing Tom's arm and tugging us away from the bustle of the church.

Tom giggled like a school girl as I pulled us to our room and locked the door.

"I must have gotten my message across, hmm?" He said, wrapping his arms around my neck, pulling me into a kiss. I smiled and pulled his legs up around me, holding him up against the wall.

"Loud and clear," I quipped back, biting his earlobe. He shuddered and held me tighter. His hands cradled around my face as he pulled me into another long kiss. My tongue pushed between his lips as he leaned into me.

I pulled us down to the bed as I stripped him of his shirt, looking down at the array of splotchy red hickies all over his neck and chest. I made a show of kissing each one, until my lips met his nipples, the taut, pale, pink they were. I bit softly, my teeth caressing. He moaned and grasped my hair. My hand traveled to the other, pinching.

He laughed, "is this what you do with all of your little escapades?"

"Not all of them, just the special ones."

He reddened, an intense crimson. "I'm... special?"

I quirked up an eyebrow, "Of course, why else do you think I have fought so hard to have you?"

"You're special to me too, Damian."

I kissed him as he said it, scared the words would be taken back if I didn't hold onto them. I kissed him until he gasped for a shallow breath.

"I want to... go all the way." He said with a soft smile as his eyes looked up to mine.

My mouth gaped open. "Se-seriously?" I asked, grasping his hands.

The sunlight filtered in through our window, making his brown eyes glow. "Yes, I am."

I kissed him again. He giggled into the laugh.

"Well, I need more prep than I have, you need to be educated. I have to get... er... supplies."

"Shhh I don't mean right now, but when we have the opportunity, I want to make love with you Damian."

I gasped again. It was real. He was serious. He wanted to have sex with me. Me! Perfect catholic boy Thomas wanted me.

I pulled him into me and wrapped him in my arms.

"I have something I want to tell you, and you don't have to say anything now, but... just... think about it? Ok?"

He nodded, eager eyes trained on mine. Making my words that much harder to get out.

"Be with me. As my boyfriend. I know we could never be out to everyone, but I want to be official with you."

His lips opened to answer but I used my finger to hush him, "don't answer now, think about it? Ok?"

He closed his mouth and nodded, tucking his head into my neck. "Ok."

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