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There was a tension in the air that felt like static. A burn under my skin, but a higher heat coming from his. He seemed so natural, comfortable.

"How are you so... good at this? You're never nervous, or scared you're doing something wrong." I asked his, pushing back one of his ice blonde locks.

He kissed where my pelvis became my torso, a soft area of skin that made a small gasp leave my lips, "See like that, I would have never known what to do. I don't know what to do."

He kept going, trailing to... there. Lips caressing skin without a second thought.

He stood up, our level heights meeting. His lips dangerously close to touching mine. His thumb dragged across my lower lip, pulling the soft skin along until it breached my mouth, and I sucked gently. His breath hitched.

"Just do what feels good," he answered, leaning into whisper in my ear, "you're already perfect. Do whatever you want to me."

I pulled away, "If I did whatever I wanted to you, I reckon you'd never look at me the same again."

Damian pulled me in again, "Nothing you do could ever make me change. So do it. Whatever you want,"

I bit my lip.

"Tell me what to do, and you can do anything."

"I don't know what I want to do, but I want you..." I barely whispered, a wisp of a noise into his ear.

"We can do it. Tonight. I have everything. I went to the mart earlier. Stole some pounds from that basket you pass around."

I chuckled, "Ok. Lets,"

He pulled me away, to the basin. Soap mixed with water as we washed ourselves... and each other. His lips barely left mine, and by the time he gave me a moment to breathe, they were swollen and puffy. My skin was purpled with marks. He loved doing that, I realized. I think because it confirmed I was his.

By the time we were done the water was cold, and I was... throughly clean. He would whisper instructions, small hints, never shaming my ignorance on the matter.

"I've really never done anything like this..." I told him. "You were my first everything. I've never even slept in the same bed as another. Much less..."

He nodded, "It's ok. Shh." His finger was on my lips.

He thought for a moment. "I know you've never played baseball before, but you know how there is a catcher, and a pitcher?"

"What kind of American bullsh—"

"No, no, just listen. Would you like to play as the catcher, or the pitcher."

"I don't understand."

He rolled his eyes, "I'm trying here, I really am, to not be crass."

I raised a brow, "How exactly do men have sex?"

He went white, "You... God they need to give better sex education..." he looked at my confused face, "take your best guess."

I thought for a moment. I knew how men and women made love, so men would... oh dear.

"Tell me you don't put that in there."

He nodded, "It feels good, I promise. It will hurt for a moment, and then feel really, really fucking good."

I could tell my face was red, "Um... and so by being the catcher I would..."

"Uh... yeah."

I looked into his eyes, "I trust you."

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