Atarashī Kōya

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“Weren’t you going to ask what happened to my leg?” Akamine asked. “Oh! I was but your story was enthralling it slipped my mind. Could you tell me?” Keiko asked she was a bit flustered having missed something obvious.

“I was attacked by a red wolf on my way here and I took it out.” Nagishima stated. “You beat a Ruby Wolf?! They are vicious creatures, it’s a good thing you only fought one. Where is it?” The cloaked woman asked with a mix of amazement and surprise.

“I left it in the bushes a down the road.”  Akamine answered. “Okay, let’s go get it.” Keiko stated she walked to the back of the property then returned riding a horse. “Hop on, riding is faster.” she stated. Akamine was excited by the suggestion, he quickly climbs on then looks around.

Keiko pulled down her hood revealing her long jet black hair with a few silver streaks in it. However, she was wearing a scarf which covered the top of her head. Keiko peered back slightly with an eye visible then said “You should hold on to me.” The yukata boy held on to the sides of her cloak then Keiko shook the reigns which made the horse run through the gate then down the trail.

Keiko noticed something then look down to see Akamine’s hands gripping on to her cloak. “You have to get a better handle than that. Try putting your arms around my waist.” Keiko recommended. Nagishima did as she said but he was a bit nervous.

The cloaked woman giggled a bit then said “You don’t have to be shy. Grab on tight, I don’t want you to fall off.” Keiko advised. “Okay, I see.” Akamine stated then hugged her waist tightly. He noticed how soft she felt and became flustered but kept it hidden. Keiko was having a similar reaction however her cheeks were flushed red. This was unseen by Nagishima due to her facing away from him.

They arrived at the location and dismounted the steed. “I think it’s over here.” Akamine went into the bushes and came back out with the animal. “This is a big one! I need to show you something.” Keiko stated as he took a small bag that was hanging on the horse before going back.

“Animals on this island produce rare materials which can be harvested to make items or sold at good price.” Keiko explained she then continued “These items won’t just appear, you have to process the animal to get the materials.” the cloaked woman then pulled out a small mallet and knife from the bag then begins to process the wolf. A while later, Keiko finished her job then said “These are the items you can get from a Ruby Wolf. Each of these creatures carry different types of materials.” the girl explained.

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