Solo Travel

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"Fine, you beat me. What do you want?" Nagishima asked seeming a bit annoyed due to his defeat. "I'm not ready to ask that, waiting is makes more sense." The teacher replied as she got up.

"Let's go inside, it's getting late." Keiko suggested. Nagishima followed the girl inside and entered the kitchen. "I have something for you." the monochrome girl slides a book off the shelf titled "Seihin Index" and gives it to the student.

Nagishima was looking through the book while occasionally taking glances at Keiko. "The info doesn't seem to be in here. Can you tell me what kind of Seihin you are?" he asked. "You're right, my species is pretty new which means we haven't been documented.

That's where you come in." Keiko explained she continued "I'm a Sukoshi Elf, named for our small ears compared to the Forest, High, Dark and Mountain elves." she then turned her head and pushed back her hair to give him a good look at her ears as she wore smug smile.

"That was so detailed. You are really smart, Sensei!" Nagishima commended. She smiled self-righteously, absorbing the praise to feed her ego. The teacher then noticed something. "Don't think I have forgotten about what you put me through!" Keiko stated sounding annoyed.

"Didn't we talk this out already? Besides, you kicked me in face earlier so we're even." Nagishima replied nervously. "No, we are not even! When we were sparring, you didn't have to slam your body against me so hard! I could barely walk afterward." the monochrome girl complained. Nagishima looked away and then smirked at the unnoticed sensual implications of her words.

"Is something funny, Nagishima?!" Keiko asked angrily the student replied by shaking his head. "Your next stop is Mizu Village to the north. It's a small settlement in the valley. Also, they are already aware of who you are so don't worry." Elf Sensei stated. "Right!" Nagishima responded.

It was the next morning, Akamine was standing by the gates with his teacher. "I'm grateful for everything you did for me. Here's something I got you." The robed boy said as he reached into his backpack to pull out a beautiful red and white coat which he gives to the monochrome girl.

"This is for me?" Keiko asked a bit surprised at the gesture. "Yes, I had the woman you introduced me to make it from the Ruby Wolf pelt." Akamine replied. "Thank you, Nagishima." Elf Sensei noted happily she then pats his head which he seemed to enjoy. Nagishima then ran northwards on the trail to start his mission. Keiko hugged the coat to her chest as she watches Akamine races off to start the first day of his mission.

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