Secret Path

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A while later, the mystery girl woke up. The first thing she saw was a young man with almond-shaped eyes and caramel colored skin. He was attired in a hoodie with jeans. She looked down to see that he was sharpening a sword by sliding a a small metallic tool along the blade both slowly and repeatedly. Thinking the weapon was meant for her, the color drained from her face. She let out an high pitched scream before scurrying backwards using only her legs. Nagishima sheathed his blade as he walked toward the girl.

"Stay back! You have captured me, I know what's going to happen!" The blue cloak shouted in a tone with a mix of anger and fear. Akamine stopped to listen to what cloaked girl was saying. "You're going to tie my hands to that tree over there. When that's done, you will cover my mouth with the bandana in your hand.

However, that is just the start. You will stare at me for a while to admire your work which will make your thirst grow stronger. You will finish off by slowly walking up from behind then do obscene, lascivious things to me and I can't do anything about it!" The cat girl explained. The air was quiet, nothing was heard but the rustling of the leaves. Nagishima was stunned, his face reddened after hearing those words.

The hooded boy laughed heartily as the girl watches on, confused as to why he was reacting that way. He stops laughing then his expression changed to one of seriousness "I'm not going to do any of that. Who are you and why did you attack me?" Akamine asked. Knowing she can't escape, the girl answered "I wanted those." she stated then pointed toward his bag.

"You want my backpack?" Nagishima asked. The girl shook her head and points again seeming embarrassed, a slight redness forming on her cheeks. The boy noticed what she was indicating. It was the kabobs cooking over the fire.

"I see." he stated. The girl was untied and given a skewer with meat and vegetables which she ate enthusiastically while sitting on a log by the fire. "You only wanted food? Also, what's your name, Miss?" Akamine asked as he handed her a bottle of juice. "Arigatou, I am called Chisana. Also, it isn't that simple, I need enough for my family." The cat girl Chisana explained.

"Then why not buy some?" Nagishima asked to which she replied "As of recently, the monsters around the village have become extremely violent; they attack anyone who enters the forest. We ran out of food weeks ago. We also can't forage nor tend our fields since we have to go through the forest to get there." Blue Cloak then looks down at empty stick she was holding with an expression of sadness.

"This was the first decent meal I have eaten since then." Chisana stated. The hooded boy seemed as if he was thinking "If your village is surrounded, how did you get here?" Nagishima asked as he gave her another kabob. "My friends and I found this mountain path, we were going to forage when we came upon you." Chisana explained with with her mouth full.

"Hey, you said we. What do you mean?" Akamine asked. Chisana ran to the middle of the road "I will show you. Girls, you can come out!" she shouted happily while waving a skewer. Three more girls slid down the mountain then ran toward their friend.

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