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“I wonder if he will feel that way when he learns who I am. Akamine said I look nice, will he still look at me that way once I tell him?” Keiko thought as she picked up her chopsticks the started eating with a somber look on her face. The next day, Keiko was on the horse wearing a brown cloak similar the orange one she was wearing the day before. Nagishima ran out of the cabin with a small pack slung over his shoulder. He locks the door then rushed over to his teacher where she reached out her hand to pull him up. Once she did, they rode through the gate and headed north.

A few minutes in to the ride. “You said you are from a country called Ryukyu, right? What is it like there?” Keiko asked curiously. “It has a warm climate, lush greenery and wonderful beaches. Get this, there are black pearls in those waters. Also, the beach has star-shaped sand.” Nagishima revealed happily. The monochrome girl became fascinated by the description. That sounds nice, I would like to know what the star-shaped sand looks like up close.” she stated.

“I will show it to you before long.” Akamine responded. “Really? I’m going to hold you to that.” Keiko stated. “Yeah.” Nagishima stated. “We are close. Nagishima-san, continue to regale me with stories of your home land.” Keiko stated. “Wait, you said “san” does this mean know Japanese?” Akamine enquired a bit surprised by the use of honorific.

“Yes, everyone from Atarashī Kōya is taught both Japanese and English in schools. This is true for all neighboring countries, we are Nihon (Japanese) territories but Usonia is involved to a lesser extent hence the English. Those who speak both languages well are given benefits like bonuses and fast promotions.” The cloaked woman disclosed.

“Okay, I will tell you another story then.” Akamine stated to which Keiko replied “I’m so excited.” In an eager tone as they continued their ride. They arrive at a clearing in the forest with short shrubs scattered about. “We have to whisper while here so not to draw their attention.” Keiko noted as she tied the horse to a tree. The duo quietly crouch walked to a bush at the edge of the clearing before lifting their heads slightly see what is in the field.

“What they saw were a few tall, long-legged birds with black and white feathers. Their neck and head area was a bright red and blue. The avian creatures were bundled together furiously pecking at a white bag on the ground.  “What are those things?” Akamine whispered trying to stay calm he added “I’m going to handle this.” as he stood then reached for his knife.

The monochrome girl grabbed his shoulders and pulled him back to a crouching position “Look at their feet.” she directed. Akamine did so and what saw unnerved him. The birds had huge feet that were covered in scaly armor-like skin with sharp claws. “That is called a Murder Turkey, one of the most dangerous animals on the island.” Keiko commented in a hushed tone.

Seihin Of Hikari: Secret LandsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ