Chapter 13

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It was the first time I got up early ever since I moved here. And its not like I planned on getting up this early in the morning, I just intentionally woke up and I was hungry. And my hunger was enough reason for me to get up instead of continuing my sleep.

Last night I didn't get the chance to talk to Jackie, when I got back in our room she was already sleeping. I was really eager to see her hungover. But it kind of made me sad too, her actions just proved her sudden change in character. It's not that bad, as long as shes still obsessing  over Princeton and not trying to give everything up, it's okay. Her behaviour is probably just normal under these circumstances.

Today we were going to this cafe show or whatever it actually is, only thing I know is that it's called lark after dark and that Will and Haily  planned it. But for now, it's time to go to school. And maybe wake up Jackie..

„Jacky, come on, it's time to get up" I slightly wiggled her around.

She only grumbled so I decided to try a little bit harder, „GET UP" I took her blanket as I screamed at her

"That's what you get for getting drunk and not telling me where you are," I teased Jacky, reclaiming her attention. She squinted at me, processing the words, before finally acknowledging the truth in my playful scolding.

"It was a one-time thing," Jackie admitted with a very fake grin, sitting up in bed. "I just wanted to forget about the day, you know? But no worries, I'm all good now." She stretched, clearly trying to shake off the remnants of her hangover.

"Why are you lying, Jackie?" I asked, studying her carefully. There was a subtle unease in her eyes that betrayed her attempt to downplay the situation. "I know these are hard times for both of us, especially since our parents died, and  Lucy," I continued gently, acknowledging the weight we both carried. "But it's important we're honest with each other. If something's bothering you, we can talk about it."

Though it was hard for us to talk about it, Jackie hesitantly continued the conversation. "I guess I just needed a break from everything, you know?" She admitted, her guard lowering as she shared a bit more of her vulnerability. "But I promise, it won't happen again."

"How are you really doing, though?" I hesitated for a moment, the unspoken weight of the past settling over me. As the twin who was in the car during the accident, I felt like I should finally open up, "Sometimes it feels like I'm carrying the weight of that day on my shoulders, Jackie. But I'm trying my best to cope."

"I've been feeling down most of the time," I admitted, the weight of my emotions surfacing. "But ever since I opened up to someone, I've been doing better in accepting our fate, even though I feel guilty for leaving them behind every time after I was happy. I'm sorry for not being good at sharing my real emotions, but that's just a part of me," I explained to Jackie, hoping she would understand the struggle I faced in expressing my inner turmoil.

Jackie, moved by my honesty, hugged me tightly. "You can always talk to me," she reassured. "Let's spend more time together; life's more limited than we realize." Her eyes sparkled with a newfound determination. "We could start by redecorating our new shared room. It might bring a fresh start for both of us."

After our heartfelt conversation, we both got ready and headed downstairs to meet the boys. As we approached, Alex couldn't help but stare at Jackie like a lost puppy, his gaze lingering with a mix of admiration and shyness. On the other hand, I made eye contact with Isaac, who smiled brightly, creating an instant connection. Meanwhile, Lee, Isaac's twin, gave a sheepish look, seemingly aware of the moment between us.

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