Chapter 15

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"You're doing great, Parker!" I cheered for the small girl as she managed to skate on the synthetic ice without my help.

Her once-concentrated gaze shifted from her feet to where I stood. "I still like field hockey better, but I guess this is okay too."

"Ouch, but I can live with that," I answered as I helped her get off the fake ice.

Before I could even acknowledge her presence, Jackie started speaking. "Hey, guys, seems like you're having a lot of fun out here."

Parker's mood instantly changed. "Where else should I go? I've been banned from doing sports inside the house, so my choices are very slim."

She smiled as she looked down onto the little girl. "It's not that," she sighed. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for yesterday. I know you didn't mean it. I'm new at being an actual older sister."

Once again, I felt this little pain in my heart. It's not that I don't like Parker, but it's indeed a strange feeling, having a new second sister.

Jackie continued, "..and I'm sure this isn't the only mistake I'm ever gonna make, but if you bear with me, I'm sure you can show me how to hit that puck before you know it."

The blonde child still had her poker face on. "Field hockey uses a ball."

As I had a short inner conflict about what I should do—option one, let them deal with it on their own, or option two, try to help them get along—I decided on option two for Jackie's sake.

"Hey, guys," I interjected with a friendly grin, hoping to ease the tension. "How about we turn this into a friendly competition? Parker, you can show Jackie your field hockey skills, and Jackie, you can share some of the ice-skating tricks I taught you. What do you think?"

Parker eyed me with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. Jackie, on the other hand, seemed intrigued by the idea. "I guess that could work," she said, her competitive spirit flickering.

Parker shrugged, playing it cool. "Sure, why not? Just be prepared to eat some grass, Jackie."

Jackie chuckled, clearly up for the challenge. "We'll see about that, Parker. Let the games begin!"

As the impromptu competition unfolded, I noticed Isaac, Lee, and Cole observing from the sidelines. Their expressions ranged from amusement to genuine interest as Parker and Jackie showcased their skills. Lee leaned in to whisper something to Isaac.

Cole, with a smirk, commented, "Looks like we've got ourselves a mini-Olympics here. Wonder who's gonna take the gold."

Isaac, his usual playful demeanor intact, added, "Place your bets, gentlemen. This might just become a regular feature in our afternoon gatherings."

As Parker and Jackie continued their good-natured rivalry, the trio watched with growing amusement. It was a sight that not only brought the family together but also highlighted the bonds forming among the siblings, each with their unique dynamics and shared experiences.
As Parker and Jackie continued their friendly competition on the synthetic ice, I couldn't help but notice the positive change in Parker's mood. It was a relief to see her engaged and laughing, especially after the little trouble she had gotten into the day before.

Deciding to join in the celebration, I made my way over to her. "You know," I began with a soft tone, "it looks like you're having a great time today, Parker."

She grinned, her eyes shining. "Yeah, this is actually pretty fun. Maybe fake ice isn't so bad."

I chuckled, glad to see her enjoying herself. "And Jackie seems to be making a good competition partner."

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