Chapter 20

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Later that evening, in the comfort of my room with Annie and Janet, I couldn't wait to share the intriguing encounter with Paul.

"You won't believe what happened today," I began, excitement in my voice. "In the school hallway, Paul suddenly comes up and asks me out on a date!"

Annie's eyes widened, and Janet leaned in, eager to hear the details. "No way! What did you say?" Annie exclaimed.

I chuckled, "Well, I told him that I'm not interested in that. But, can you believe the audacity?"

Janet grinned, "Paul's got some nerve. What do you think you'll do?"

As we delved into the details of the unexpected proposal, laughter filled the room, and the conversation evolved into a lively exchange of opinions, turning an ordinary evening into one filled with shared stories and the anticipation of what the future might hold.

Annie, always ready for a bit of mischief, couldn't help but interject with a mischievous glint in her eyes, "Can you imagine Isaac's face when he finds out Paul asked you out? That's like a clash of the titans, Y/N!"

Janet laughed, adding her own playful comment, "Oh, this is getting interesting. Isaac and Paul in a love triangle drama. Classic high school stuff."

The thought of Isaac's reaction to Paul's proposal brought a thoughtful expression to my face, and the room filled with laughter as we continued to speculate about the potential drama that could unfold. Little did we know, the twists and turns of high school relationships were just beginning, and the anticipation of what might come next added an exciting layer to our shared moments.

I chuckled at Annie and Janet's mischievous banter but decided to put an end to the speculation. "Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves. There won't be any love triangle drama anytime soon. I really like Isaac," I admitted with a playful smile.

Annie grinned, "Fair enough, but you have to admit, Paul is not in Isaac's league."

Janet, ever one to enjoy a good tease, responded with a cocky smirk, "Yeah, Paul's more like the practice round before the real game."

Laughter filled the room as we continued to share jokes and stories, the playful banter adding a light-hearted touch to the evening. The dynamics of high school relationships may be unpredictable, but for now, Isaac stood firmly in the spotlight.

As the conversation shifted, my thoughts couldn't help but linger on Isaac. I found myself swooning, caught in the details that made him uniquely captivating.

"You know," I began, a dreamy smile forming, "Isaac has this distinct scent. Like pine. It's oddly comforting."

Annie and Janet exchanged knowing glances, teasing me with playful smiles. "Pine, huh? Sounds like you've been paying close attention," Annie teased.

I chuckled, "Well, you can't help but notice. But you know, Isaac is like a two-sided coin. On one side, he's all charm and humor, but on the other, there's this mysterious depth. It's like there's more to him than meets the eye."

Janet joined in, "So, he's a charming enigma with a pine-scented aura. Sounds like you've got yourself quite the crush."

Seeing the perfect opportunity to shift the topic, I winked at Janet, saying, "Alright, enough about my pine-scented crush. Let's talk about something more scandalous. How about you and Olivia in biology today?"

Janet threw a pillow my way, but she couldn't hide the playful smirk. "Oh, come on. It was just a bit of banter. No need to get all investigative on me."

I laughed, "Come on, spill the beans! I need details."

Just as Janet was about to deflect with another cocky remark, Annie interjected with a gasp, "Wait, Olivia asked you to get ready for the bonfire together, Janet? No way!"

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