Full Formed (Kaiba and Ashara)

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Kaiba x Ashara
What would happen if Ashara saw Kaibas full form??
Nobody's POV
It had been a terrifying day for Kaiba. Meri had left him, after their argument of course. And that seemed to send him into a fit of rage, though rage did not seem like the accurate word, betrayal maybe?

Whatever it was, had sent him into a spiral. His usual human body with cat features had changed, him seemingly becoming stronger. Claws forming on his hands, his eyes glowing as bright as ten suns, but most importantly his darkly tanned skin switched to dark blue and black fur. Though he now look more like his mother, Lady Bastet, He felt like a monster.

Kaibas POV
I had been sat in my room, tears storming down my face, my throat was feeling sore from trying to choke down my sobs. My mind was racing with thoughts. What would Ashara think of me? We've only been together for two months and I'm already changing for the worst.

I think back on the last couple of weeks, Mors's attack, one I'll never forget. Aswell as Meri up and leaving me even when he knew I was at my worst.

If they both left me after "loving" me for so long. It will be easy as hell for Ashara to leave.

My mind was tormenting me. My head pounding, screaming thoughts into my brain.

No matter what I did the thoughts wouldn't go away, it was hurting mentally and even physically.

I was gripping onto my head, my newfound claws seemingly digging into my furry skin. I feel an almost cold warmness dripping down my skin, leaking onto my hands.


But still, my mind wouldn't stop racing.

I close my eyes, dropping to the ground, slamming my head into my knees, wrapping my arms around my legs. I sit there, and I sob into my hands, blood smearing over my face.

The thoughts were endless. "He's gonna leave you" "He has every right to hate you" "Your hideous" "Mors was right, you're pathetic" "Kaiba?" "Kaiba?" "KAIBA?"


That seemingly snaps me out of my thoughts. I jerk my head upwards, my vision blurry due to my endless, hurtful sobs.

I take my bloodied hands and wipe my eyes, trying to clear my vision. I didn't need to see who it was though, I could already tell, thanks to the intoxicating, heavy accent.

It was no other than Ashara, the person I was dreading to see the most.

I clear my vision enough to see the man in-front of me. His dark green emerald eyes staring at me, confusingly and filled with concern.

"Kaiba?" He repeated. Worry was lacing his usually confident voice.

I just stared at him. I knew if I tried to respond, I would break. My throat started to burn, almost a throbbing, stabbing pain. I knew it was because I was choking back my cries.

He kneeled down to me, staring straight into my eyes, I look down to my knees, noticing that my claws had also torn through my knees, blood covering my legs and the bottom of my shendyt. I hate attempting to keep eye contact at times like this.

He gently placed his hand onto my shoulder, his rough hands feeling comforting on my skin. With his other hand he grabbed the bottom of my chin, leaning my head up, forcing me to stare him in the eyes.

"What happened, my love?" He asked, concern lacing his voice.

That seemingly broke me, tears started to storm down my cheeks, not attempting to hold the sobs back anymore. The sobs weren't silent, my voice breaking out and almost screaming.

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