Bad Endings

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Assassination AU?!? 😱
Ashara (Assasin) and Kaiba (his target)
Angst (bad ending, duh)
I'm sorry this is so late!! I got a little busy 😭
Ashara POV
I lift my cold, harsh hand and knock roughly on the door in-front of me, hoping for someone to grant me access to the room hidden behind the doors.

My boss had called me to his office, I assume he has another mission for me.

You see, I work as an assassin. It was never a career I visioned myself doing, but oh well.

It pays rather well, and it's rather easy. Shiva helps to cover my tracks. Most of them get labeled as suicides or natural deaths.. haven't been caught yet.

It was a bit... disturbing when I first started, but I soon warmed up to it. After all, we all die one day, why not make my money off of it?

"Boss" I yell, assuming he didn't hear my knocking as he still hadn't called me in. "Come in" He responds, his voice loud and deep.

I take the cold, shimmering door handle into my hand and turn it quickly.

I push the door harshly, knowing it was difficult to make the heavy door budge.

The door infront of me opened, revealing the room it was previously hiding.

The room was rather barren. The room was black in color, gothic styled windows covered the walls. There was a large black desk in the back left side of the room.

At the desk, sat my boss.

"You wanted me?" I question, though it was more of a statement. "Yes, please take a seat" he instructs of me, pointing to a chair infront of his desk.

I walk over to his desk slowly, my arms folded in front of me in a polite manner.

I approach his desk and sit in the chair he motioned to. I take a seat and wait for him to begin his lecture.

""I have a mission for you" he says, his back turned away from me.

He opens a file cabinet located infront of him and starts sifting through it, seemingly trying to find something. After a while he grabs a vanilla folder located in front of the rest.

He slams the folder down infront of me, causing me to flinch slightly.

A slight grin creeps upon his face as he opens the folder and pushes it towards me.

"His name is Kaiba Bastet" he says, pointing to an image located in the top of the folder. The image contained an adult man with black and blue hair, catlike features and seemingly Egyptian style clothing, he looked rather well for himself.

"He's 1,000 years old and is located in Egypt" he adds. "He's lived long enough then" I say, trying to play it off as a joke but deep down knowing I was just trying to make myself feel better about doing it.

My boss gives me a slight, corrupt giggle before he continues his rant. "He is quite well known, so you will have to be careful and make sure nobody sees you" he informs me.

I nod. "How much?" I ask, wanting to get my moneys worth for this. My boss leans close to my ear, responding in a quiet whisper.

"Couple million" he says, his voice being interrupted by a slight giggle. "He's a prince Ashara, you're making a shit ton" he adds, making eye contact with me.

"Well it's risky" I respond, thinking about the possibility of being caught, he's a prince after all, he must be bombarded with protectors.

"I'll do it" I respond, knowing it would be worth the money.

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