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Origins of Olympus
-Bryan brought a pet cat home one day without warning, he knew Inpu would be mad but he didn't care. They kept it, Inpu couldn't say no to the kids.

- Bryan paints in his free time, specifically flowers, waterfalls, or Inpu.

- Lotus and Atlas dress in alternative styles, Lotus being more scene than anything.

- Femi's natural hair is fully white, she added the pink to it after seeing a lot of pictures of Bryan.

-Lotus has VERY curly hair, only Bryan knows how to properly care for it.

-Kaiba used to dress scene when he was a teenager, fake piercings and all. His mom hated it and Inpu teased him for it, so it didn't last long. He kept all of his clothing and jewelry from that phase and gave it all to Lotus and Atlas.

-  Ashara is very good with kids, he would make an AMAZING dad.

- Brinley and Bryan still call Xylo dad, they will never let him live it down.

- Shiva has a lot of calm conversations with Kaiba, Kaiba takes quite a liking to Shiva and believes him to be an amazing opportunity for Ashara.

- Inpu basically raised Kaiba, this is one of the main reasons Inpu "dislikes" Kaiba. Inpu wasn't able to live his own childhood due to raising Kaiba.

- Kaiba's mom was one of the "real men don't cry" mothers, this really damaged Kaiba.

- Bryan and Kaiba are besties.

- Kaiba is the main reason Magnus has most of their swords and other weaponry.

- Bryan takes care of the children's, and Inpu's, ears and tails.

- Kaiba and Ashara have a pet cat, they treat it as their literal child.

- Inpu and Ashara both read about literally everything, the only reason either of them are in a relationship is due to the fact they read about how to get in one.

- Meditation is the only thing keeping Ashara from absolutely snapping at everyone.

- Kaiba is the one of the only people Ashara is actually nice to. The other people are the children around camp, Cal, and Bryan.

- Ashara hates nicknames (he refused to call Cal by Cal and instead called him Callum) the only exception to this rule is Kaiba who he calls "my love" or "darling".

- Cal just started to take on any job he could at the camp dances. Bartender, DJ, etc.

- Ashara doesn't label himself by any sexuality, he just knows that he loves Kaiba.

- Kaiba loves Ashara's forehead gem.

- Inpu and Bryan have tattooed rings on their fingers because Inpu kept forgetting to wear his actual ring.

- Bryan and the kids are all really close to Kaiba.

- Whenever Brinley and Kaiba hang out, Cal and Ashara hang out.

- Ashara has no filter, he is so blunt and always tells it how it is.

-Kaiba actually loves the snow, it was a nice change of pace for him.

- Atlas and Lotus both have facial piercings.

- Bryan has a lot of ear piercings, plus a belly button one.

- Inpu embraces his natural gray hair, Bryan does not and dyes over it.

- Bryan has multiple tattoos, including a huge one stretching across his chest.

- Bryan and Dranne are half brothers, they share a father, Hephaestus.

- Inpu had 0 interest in dating before meeting Bryan.

- Shiva is like a fly constantly buzzing in your ear, he doesn't leave Ashara alone, it makes it hard for Ashara to focus and angers him.

- Atlas has a pet beetle, he named it "Killer".

- Lotus SOBBED when they stepped on a snail.

- Magnus and Kaiba are really close, Magnus views Kaiba as a second brother.

- Femi asks everyone at camp about their pantheon and journals about it, Ashara was the first Hindu person she ever met so she asked him A-LOT of questions.

- If Kaiba could drive, he would have a motorcycle.

- Atlas had a five nights at Freddy's phase.

- The kids aren't close with Aphrodite, but they are close with Anubis.

- Kaiba and Bryan both paint their nails. Bryan and Femi get matching nails.

- Femi is a Wattpad writer.

- Lotus plays animal crossing and Stardew Valley.

- Ashara and Kaiba both have really hard times talking about their feelings, they can only truly open up to each other.

- Inpu, Kaiba, and Magnus used to push each other down sand hills when they were younger.

- Kaiba takes Atlas to metal concerts.

- Kaiba and Solis have a really strong bond, one of the only people Kaiba is NEVER mean to.

- Kaiba can't swim, he hates deep water.

- Ashara makes never ending cat jokes towards Kaiba.

- Kaiba was the first person Magnus came out to, Magnus was too scared to come out to Inpu first, so Kaiba had to help them.

- Bryan knew Inpu was going to propose, Inpu was terrible at hiding it and Bryan saw the ring on Inpu's bedside table.

- Everyone thinks Nad and Magnus are dating, but they are truly just friends and get grossed out when people ask if they're together.

- Femi loves building legos, Lotus can't build them because they hate image instructions, and Atlas just doesn't have the patience.

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