Love, Hate

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Chapter based on this headcannon ^Character ages: Inpu- 15 Kaiba- 4Magnus- 2—————————————————————————————Inpu's POV "Come here Magnus!" I playfully yell at the child, who had recently earned the achievement of learning to walk

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Chapter based on this headcannon ^
Character ages:
Inpu- 15
Kaiba- 4
Magnus- 2
Inpu's POV
"Come here Magnus!" I playfully yell at the child, who had recently earned the achievement of learning to walk.

It was early in the morning, I was currently trying to get Magnus ready for the day.

It had become my responsibility to take care of Magnus, father no longer makes an attempt to even speak to us. I don't need him anyways. I tell myself that at least.

I had already gotten their black shirt and Egyptian skirt onto them, but as I was trying to get their shoes onto them, they slipped away, doing their best attempt to walk away.

They were stumbling over their own two feet , making a rather bad attempt to make an escape.

My ears erupt in a rather loud thump, followed by a loud cry. They tripped over their own feet, landing face first into the hardened sandy floors.

I rush over to them quickly. I pick them up off of the floor, examining them. They were fine, no blood or bruising, they were most likely just scared.

I put them into my arms, rocking them softly as I make an attempt to calm them. They start to calm down, reaching their hands up to touch my face, running their hands over my shortened facial hair.

"Dada" Magnus says, looking me into the eyes, a smile spreading on their face. "Inpy" I correct, not wanting them to believe I was their father.

They seem to mentally take note of this, the smile fading off of their face as they look towards the ground. "Hungry" They inform quickly. I nod, acknowledging they haven't had breakfast yet. I set them down on the ground gently.

"We need to get your shoes on first Maggie" I say, trying my best to put on a convincing voice. They sigh, crossing their arms as they sit on the ground, putting their legs out towards me.

I kneel down next to them. I put their shoes on easily, tying them and making sure they're not too tight before adjusting their socks.

I stand back up, adjusting my posture as I smooth out my Egyptian silk pants and adjust my jeweled belt.

Magnus stands up after me, quickly clinging to my side as they grab onto my hand, trying to steady themself.

I pick them up, knowing it would be easier for the both of us.

I make my way to the kitchen, them squirming in my arms. I enter the kitchen and set them down near the table, I pull out their high chair and pick them back up, slipping them into the chair.

I grab a bib off of the table and put it around their neck, not wanting them to make a mess on their clean clothes.

"Stay here" I tell them, getting a nod in response. I walk away from the table, making my way to the fridge as I get eggs and yogurt out of the fridge. I grab a pan and warm up the stove, beginning to cook the eggs.

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