Wedding Bells (Kaiba x Ashara)

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Kaiba x Ashara AGAIN
Part 2 of "The Proposal of a Life Time"
Nobody's POV
It had been around a year since Ashara had proposed, they were trying not to rush into the marriage since they wanted it to be absolutely perfect.

They had already done the main parts of it. They decided on their best men, Cal being Ashara's and Inpu being Kaiba's, it took a while to convince Inpu to agree, but after all, Kaiba was family.

The two had already gotten their suits custom made. Ashara's was black with red accents, having a design similar to those of Hindu fashion, Kaiba's suit was black with teal accents, adored in jewels and fancy Egyptian silks. They had decided the guests would either wear purple dresses or black suits paired with purple ties or bow ties.

They had decided Kaiba would be the one to walk down the aisle, it seemed fitting for the both of them. Inpu had offered to walk him down the aisle, since his mother would not be there to accompany him. Kaiba had gladly accepted this offer.

They were both absolutely ecstatic.

The wedding was now tomorrow, worry and nervousness had started to fill both men, as excited as they were.

Kaiba's POV
I had been laying in my bed for about four hours straight now, unable to sleep. I had to get up at 4:00 a.m. sharp tomorrow, to get myself and everyone else ready for the wedding. I hadn't seen Ashara for a couple of hours, it was tradition in both of our cultures to not see your partner at least 24 hours before the wedding.

Worry had started to fill my brain, I was excited as hell but at the same time I was scared. My nerves were getting the best of me. Scary thoughts started to circulate in my brain. "What if he backs out?" "What if the wedding gets fucked up?" "What if I don't look my best?".

I was overthinking all of it, the thing I was worried about the most was Ashara backing out. I highly doubt he will but the worry still stands. What if it comes time to say "I do" and he changes his mind? What if he cancels the wedding completely, though it may be too late for that.

I look over at my clock 3:59 a.m. well, shit. I guess I'm not getting any sleep tonight. I get up, throwing my legs off of the bed and onto the ground, standing up slowly and stretching my arms behind my neck.

I walk over to my closet, changing out of my silk pajama pants and black cropped shirt, one I had taken from Ashara. I change into my usual attire, grabbing my suit out of my closet.

I had agreed to go to Bryan's mansion to get ready, Ashara was going to Cal's.

I slipped my sandals on quickly, grabbing my dress shoes out of the shoe closet and setting them in my arms with my suit.

I head down the stairs, entering my living room, the nerves continue to build up. Realizing I was now going to get ready and the wedding was in less than 10 hours.

I exit my living room door and find myself in my throne room, I take a moment to breathe, telling myself everything will be okay.

Inpu had agreed to come pick me up, I was now waiting for him, knowing he may be late due to his three children.


My thoughts are suddenly interrupted by a harsh knock on the door and a loud yell of my name. At least he knocked I guess.

I walk over to the front door, opening it as I'm welcomed by Inpu's tired and seemingly bitchy face. Sometimes I forget he has a resting bitch face.

"Hey kiddo" he says, seemingly joking around as he gives me a tired grin. He used to call me kiddo a lot when I was younger, it felt nice to hear it again.

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