A Little Help (Brypu)

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High School AU
Inpu x Bryan
Aka popular kid x Nerd
Bryan POV
My eyes felt heavy on my face, probably due to the boring ass lecture my math teacher was forcing us to sit through.

I crossed my arms and placed them onto my desk, making myself a comfortable laying area. I set my head into my arms, closing my eyes and attempting to fall asleep.

I feel myself begin to drift off into a light sleep, my brain drowning out everything around me.

Everything felt peaceful as my brain cleared and my vision went black.

This peacefulness didn't last long at all though, it was soon interrupted by some sudden yelling.

"Aphrodite!" I hear my teacher yell as he hits the desk next to my head. I feel myself begin to jerk awake as I'm startled by his raised voice.

I feel my head jerk towards him as my eyes focus on his ugly ass face.

"The hell do you want?" I spat out angrily, tiredness still lacing my voice. I hear a couple of my buddies laughing at my harsh question. I let out a slight yawn, still being tired and wishing I was still asleep.

He let out an annoyed sigh before answering "just pay attention, you're already failing". I knew him announcing my failing grades made him feel accomplished about himself, though I didn't care, none of my classmates did either, it wasn't new news to any of them after all.

I roll my eyes before looking away from him, putting my focus back onto the chalk board at the front of the room. Out of the side of my eye I see the teacher turn and walk away from me, going back to his instruction time.

His voice began to ring through my ears again, though I didn't take any of his words in. I felt myself zone out, my eyes fixated towards the guy infront of me.

I find myself examining him, watching as he takes in the knowledge the teacher is providing him. I had never talked to him before, the only thing I knew about his was his name, Inpu, but I don't even use that, to me his name is nerd.

I begin to wonder how someone can actually enjoy learning, to me it was just endless confusion and piled on stress.

My thoughts are interrupted by the loud school bell roaring in my ears. Finally, lunch time.

I grab my book off of the corner of my desk, unzipping my backpack and placing it inside. I stand up, flinging my still open backpack over my shoulder, not caring if anything spilled out.

People began to spill out of the classroom, pushing their way out, I try to follow behind but I'm rudely interrupted.

"Aphrodite, Anubis, stay here" my asshole of a teacher yells, getting my attention as I stop in my tracks.

I let out a large exaggerated sigh as I walk back to my desk, throwing my bag back onto the ground and sitting down roughly. It wasn't the first time I was asked to stay after class, it happens a lot actually.

I take time to analyze the room around me, realizing that "Anubis" was the nerd. I feel myself wonder why he was in here, he was too much of a goodie two shoes to get in trouble.

The teacher walks over to our desks, standing in between them to allow himself to talk to both of us at the same time.

"So Aphrodite, I'm sure you're aware of your failing grades" He starts talking, already getting on my nerves. I give him a harsh nod in response.

"If you don't bring them up, you're not going to graduate high school" He informs, annoyedness already lacing his tone.

I look down at the desk infront of me, twiddling with my fingers. I didn't really care to be honest.

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