Cat Children

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Based on this headcannon^ Kaiba x Ashara Also, I'm so sorry this is late! The whole thing got deleted somehow and I had to rewrite the whole thing!!——————————————-Ashara POVI feel Kaiba's soft hand wrap around my rather rough one as he pulls me cl...

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Based on this headcannon^
Kaiba x Ashara
Also, I'm so sorry this is late! The whole thing got deleted somehow and I had to rewrite the whole thing!!
Ashara POV
I feel Kaiba's soft hand wrap around my rather rough one as he pulls me closer, seemingly wanting to get as close as possible. Though, this was quite difficult to manage due to the fact we were walking.

Me and Kaiba had began to take walks together, realizing it helped to calm my nerves and get him out of his pyramid more often, he had a habit of not getting enough fresh air.

I gently put my arm around his waist, being as careful as possible as to not mess up his shendyt or waist jewelry. I hoped this would help him to achieve his goal to get as close to me as he could. This seems to please him as a toothy smile grows on his face, as-well as a slight blush covering his cheeks.

He lets out a slight giggle, turning his attention towards me as he begins to speak.

"I love you so much" he admits truthfully, his ears perking up and his tail beginning to sway softly in the process.

"I love you too baby" I reply sappily, looking towards him and focusing on his intoxicating yellow eyes. I lean in slowly and give him a slight kiss on the forehead, as I pull away I give him a slight giggle, noticing the evident blush shining red on his cheeks. I give him a warm smile before returning my focus back towards the sidewalk.

A comfortable silence fills the air, both of our focuses now towards the sidewalk or at our feet.

I took time to note our synced up walking, our steps being perfectly matched up with one another. I didn't know if this was a coincidence or Kaiba's doing, either way it was kind of neat.

My mental note taking is quickly interrupted by a sudden stop in our journey. Kaiba halted to a stop, his feet planted solidly to the ground, mine being forced to do the same.

I look towards him confused, not knowing what had caused his sudden lack of pace.

The once happy expression on his face was now a shocked, almost sad one. His eyes narrow as his smile drops, his ears go to the side as his hair stands up and his whiskers twitch slightly.

His eyes seemed to focus on something in-front of us, not moving from that one spot.

I follow his eyes, looking towards what was grabbing his attention. My eyes are met by a tiny kitten, it was orange in color though could be mistaken for brown due to all the dirt it was covered in. Its legs were shaky as it seemingly struggled to keep itself up. It was skinny, bones showing through its skin, it was obviously starved.

It seemed too young to be without its mother, yet there was no other cats around, well except for Kaiba.

I hear slight sobs begin to some out of Kaiba's mouth. I turn my focus back to him, tears now storming down his face as his ears pinned to his head and his tail wrapped in between his legs.

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