Loss of a Lover

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Kaiba x Ashara
What if Korina didn't stop Mors?
Nobody's POV
It was a rather dark, quiet night. It was unusual for such a silence to grace Kaiba's castle. Though tonight was different.

There was no sound to be heard, not even a cat.

He had put up a rather good fight, though it was for nothing.

There he lay, his cold, quiet body. He lay there dead.

It had not been Mors's intention to do so, though he had not regretted it.

More had just needed to get some aggression out. Apparently, he had gone too far.

There Mors stands, staring at the lifeless body limp at his feet.

Mors didn't know how to feel, he didn't regret it at all, though he knew his "father" would not be happy at such unlawful actions.

He let a slight, shocked grin grow on his lips.

He kneeled down, putting his two fingers to Kaiba's wrist, seemingly trying to find a pulse. His skin was cold to the touch.


Mors stood up, taking in the fact he was gone. He stayed silent, turning on his heels and walking away.

Kaiba's servants were in their sleeping quarters right now. Peacefulness lacing over them as they slept.

Ashara POV

I had been peacefully meditating for a while. My body a few feet off of the ground, my legs and arms both crossed tightly. My eyes shut softly.

It was one way I can pay my respect to Shiva, small meditative talks.

It was calming, it always was. It always helped to calm me in rather...distasteful situations. I had introduced it to Kaiba during to his struggles to calm his rather harsh emotions. It was tradition between the both of us now, we always meditate before bed when I'm over, he does it alone as-well, which gladdens me.

I was currently in-front of Shiva's shrine, it was one of the few places I could get true peace and quiet to properly meditate. I had payed my respects towards the shrine already, praying and leaving small offerings to it, I did that whenever Shiva nudged me to do so.

My rather peaceful meditation was interrupted by a rather loud ringing in my head. "Ashara." Shiva said rather loudly, his voice seemingly sympathetic for some reason. "What is it? I reply, rather annoyed by his rather rude interruption.

Shiva let out a heavy sigh. "Just check on Kaiba" he said, seemingly sad? That got my attention being rather concerned but trying to calm myself due to the fact that Shiva told me to check on him a lot, sometimes it was for rather stupid reasons, though I won't pass on a reason to see my love.

I open my eyes, letting Shiva take slight control of me as he shows me into Kaiba's pyramid. He zones in onto Kaiba's throne room, showing me a rather limp, seemingly lifeless Kaiba.

I snap out of my head, quickly dropping to the ground as I loose my balance.

"The fuck happened?" I asked, "Is he okay?" I add.

"I'm going to be rather honest Ashara, I don't think he is" Shiva replies. I feel worry fill my mind. "Did you see what happened?" I ask, again. "Mors did" Shiva replies, rather cryptic.

"Shit" I whisper to myself.

I quickly gain myself, standing up and dusting off my clothes. I gain momentum and take flight, heading straight to Kaiba's palace.

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