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On the morning of D-day, a group of five men, including Yoongi, Jimin, and two others, arrived at Hobi's resort under the guise of engagement party guests. Only Hobi was aware of their mission to eliminate Akira's son.

Hobi settled them in the far end of the cottage, located on the other side of the shore away from the resort's main building, ensuring their privacy. Each of the five cottages was assigned to them, granting them easy access to the sea and the road without attracting attention from other guests.

After a brief leisure hour, in the afternoon, all five of them loaded diving equipment onto the yacht. Hobi had already stashed three guns onboard. They set sail to begin their mission. Yoongi positioned the yacht further away from the rocky side of the island, where Akira's mansion was situated.

Without raising suspicion, they dived into the water and reached the rocky cliff, commencing their climb. With their training as hikers, they easily scaled the cliff and reached the mansion. Using a small drone camera, they checked the guard positions and were surprised to find them stationed downhill to grant privacy to the newly married couple.

 Using a small drone camera, they checked the guard positions and were surprised to find them stationed downhill to grant privacy to the newly married couple

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Covered in black from head to toe to conceal their identities, assigning code name for each other and they proceeded cautiously. However, before they could catch their breath, the rumbling noise of a helicopter landing on the helipad of the mansion filled the air. Peering from their vantage point, they saw the bride and groom getting down from the helicopter.

"We're right on time... I thought we'd have time to take cover and ambush them at the right moment? Dee hyung? Are we late??!" Tae inquired.

"They're early... V!! they were supposed to arrive after sunset... that monster seems eager for his wedding night," Yoongi replied grimly.

"Ahhh, poor guy...!! Shall we give him some time with his new wife and barge in right on time...?" Tae playfully suggested to Yoongi and Jimin.

"Weirdo...!! Let's stick to the plan and eliminate the targets quickly... let's not delve into their lives," Jimin scolded Tae, giving his arm a playful spank for distracting from the mission.

"Yes... let me eliminate target 1...  I'll make sure it's a slow painful and ugly death , you two finish the target 2 , please make it fast and painless, point blank to bride'sheart... let's keep it clean," Yoongi cautioned.

"Fine... let's get this done fast and return to the party tonight... I'm really eager to meet Lisa's three gorgeous sisters," Tae remarked, prompting Jimin to sigh before extending his hand for a final cheer before the mission.

"Shhhh.. don't mention any names..." Yoongi warned...

"Yeah!! Let's make it happen tonight... hwaiting!!"Yoongi initiated and they cheered in unison, their determination palpable as they prepared to execute their plan.
In living room...

"Take off those thick clothes, have a refreshing bath, and get ready for the night," the bridegroom scoffed, his tone commanding.

"But it's still evening..." the bride anxiously countered, biting his lip as he trembled with uncertainty.

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