Captivated !!

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Koo pov


Drunk and broken!!!

I feel like trash on my big expensive mansion. This isn't what I dreamt about my wedding night, but beggars can't be choosers. I had to accept  my fate.. ive decided to face the night with the help of vodka. So....I emptied the vodka in me.

I thought of drowning myself in the tub after drinking up to my neck. But... I'm stronger than that. I know the value of my life, I know the struggles my parents went through to keep me alive.

I'm not going to die today... at least I won't try anything to end my life myself . Yet... I hate living like this. I prayed God to rescue me or take me this instant. I don't want  to be touched by that rude monster who is playing piano.

Lost in my thoughts in the tub, I heard footsteps in my room and saw movements under the door crack. Not just one, but many. Maybe I'm hallucinating, maybe I'm drunk, or perhaps God heard my prayers?! Did He send angels to rescue me from this hell?

Shouldn't I be frightened? I'm almost naked in the tub, and there are strangers in my room. Yes, I should be scared, but for some unknown reason, I feel calm. I gave up already..

I'm ready to welcome my death. I don't want to scream, I don't even want to jump out of the tub to lock the door. I know they are close, and there's no way I can escape. And what surprises me is that I don't want to escape. I remain still in my tub when someone enters the bathroom.

My basic reflexes kick in, and I pull the nearby towel to cover myself. The person, clad in all black, partially covers his eyes with his tiny fingers, cute!!perhaps to avoid seeing me naked. That's a gentle move for an intrusive stranger.

His small body frame jerks when I sink myself in the tub, and I can see concern in his eyes as he tries to pull me up. Then, he hands me towels and helped me to bundle up before calling someone.

"Come, hold him... he's decent, but god, he's heavy!!" echoed the high-pitched voice of the tiny-framed person, followed by the appearance of a tall man with a broad, muscular frame. Despite the odd gravity of the situation, I couldn't help but smile at the contrasting scene before me.

"Am I dead...? Am i in heaven?....." I muttered, my gaze fixed on the tall man.

"Damn!" growled a deep voice, the bass tone of the tall man reverberating through my chest and sending shivers down my spine. It's not the time to admire the intruder..

May be the Stockholm syndrome worked fast for a desperate being like me!!

My thoughts were abruptly interrupted when the person holding me referred to me as 'Cookie'. I was taken aback – only my close circle within the confines of the mansion knew me by that name. How did this stranger know? He didn't seem to doubt it, he called me as if he had bestowed the name upon me himself.

"Do you know me?" I asked the person holding me, but before I could receive an answer, the loud noise of gunfire pierced the air, followed by the heavy thud of a door slamming . The sudden change in environment sent a tremor through my body, and I found myself trembling in the hands of the tiny person.

Then, the leader of the group entered. His eyes exuded dominance, his actions decisive.

"Change of plans!!! We need to evacuate soon with the bodies... " he declared, his voice commanding authority.

"Dee hyung?!" the tall man panicked, glancing between me and the leader. The leader's gaze landed on me, and in the next moment, the tiny person who had been holding me dropped me to the ground and positioned himself in front of me.

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