My Perfect Parents

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Taehyung's Pov

Koo is different... unlike other girls who simply ogles at me, he fixes his gaze upon me, delving deep into the very depth of my soul, leaving me feeling exposed and uneasy in his presence.

It's unsettling how he sees right through me. I despise the vulnerability it invokes. I hate the way he makes me open up infront of him.

While I'm usually not the one to shy away from flirting with attractive individuals, there's an inexplicable urge within me to resist his allure, to stand my ground and not succumb to his penetrating gaze.

There's something about his gaze that feels dangerous. Sometimes it's cute and calm, but other times it feels like it's searching for something deep within me. What does he even want from me..

Usually, when someone looks at me like that, it's just sexual, but with him, it feels like there's more to it than just that. What could it be... ??!

When Koo said, "I'm not going to bite your Jimin...I'm not a monster," it brought a fond smile to my face. It sounds cute... and always adorable when he speaks up his mind, its just the silence in his deep eyes scares me...

In his presence, I feel a mix of emotions. Sometimes it's fear, sometimes it's attraction, and sometimes it's sympathy. But is that all?

Sympathy might make us want to save someone from danger, but it doesn't usually make us fall for them. I'm afraid I might be falling for him, even though he's leaving in three months. I shouldn't be falling for him...

These thoughts swirl in my mind as I ride my motorbike to my parents' place. Oh!! My!! My parents... How am I going to??? Now!! I have more to worry about..

I have to lie tell them that I've fallen in love with a random boy in cruise party and I can't live without him, whom I didn't even know existed three days ago.

My parents love me, but they've never approved of my choices in life. They won't stop me from doing what I like, but they won't support me either... Jinnie eomma is an architect and appa is a land lord, developer and part time farmer.

They're successful and well-settled, unlike me, who chose tourism as my profession because Yoongi hyung is my inspiration.

As a water sports instructor, I help Yoongi hyung manage resorts and guide tourists. I'm learning a lot from him, and one day, I hope to run my own business with his guidance on the other side of the island where my parents own land.

My parents, they don't like my career choice, probably not gonna like my sudden wedding plan aswell .

My life is simple like that, and my parents have never really considered my marriage since I'm still young and haven't brought anyone home as a girlfriend or boyfriend. I don't know how they'll react when they find out about my sudden wedding plans.

But as I approach my parents home, a sense of hesitation creeps over me. How will they react to my wedding plans? Will they find out my strategieswith Koo??

I understand that my parents probably won't warm up to Koo, but I'm confident they'll respect my decision to marry him after a little persuasion.

In a way, I prefer it that way. I don't want them to grow attached to Koo, only to feel saddened when he leaves the island in three months.

It's better for everyone if we don't get too attached to temporary things. So, I'll prepare them in a way that ensures their approval, even if it's not wholehearted acceptance of him as their future son-in-law.

As I parked my motorbike in the garage and entered the house, I found Jinie eomma engrossed in his architecture drawings at his workstation.

Avoiding eye contact, I hurried past him, my heart pounding with anticipation. My gaze quickly sought out my dad, finding him on the first floor, immersed in a book, his demeanor calm and collected as always.

Unlike my mom, who tends to ask probing questions, my dad is much easier to approach. He is cool like that.

Thinking I had successfully dodged my mom's gaze, I breathed a sigh of relief. But my relief was short-lived as I heard eomma calling out to me from behind.

Hastening my steps, I practically skipped steps towards my appa, pretending not to hear my eomma's voice.

"What are you up to, Taehyung ahhh? Why are you running away from me...??" eomma called out, her tone already tinged with suspicion. She could sniff out trouble from a mile away.

"Appa..." I tried to ignore my mom, who was following me on stairs, ready to pounce on me. Somehow I reached appa before I got caught by eomma..

"Easy now, Tae... there's no escaping your mother.. so just take a breath," Appa soothed, guiding me to sit beside him. He gently asked about my trip and how Hobi's party was...

"That boy, Hobi? Why didn't he invite us? What went on there? Whats the purpose to avoid parents and elders??" Eomma demanded, after muttering a few scold words about Hobi.

"It was a private party for youngsters, Jinnie. Why do you want to go there? I'll take you on a cruise if you'd like..," Appa offered.

"The issue isn't about not being invited, yebo! It's about the secrecy surrounding a wedding party. What are they hiding from us elders to make it so private? Tell me, Taehyung! Could it be something illegal, like drugs or such?" Eomma pressed, her skepticism evident.

"Eomma, it's nothing like that. Many government officials from the mainland attended the party. Nothing illegal happened," I tried to reassure her, but she shook her head, clearly unconvinced.

"Jinnie, Tae wouldn't do anything like that," Appa interjected, attempting to calm my upset eomma.

"You're blindly trusting him, yebo. Remember my words, one day he'll bring home some useless monkey-looking person and tell us he's going to marry him.." Eomma declared.

I stood up from my seat.. speechless, because deep down, I knew she was often right...except for the "useless monkey-looking" part, because Koo is actually quite attractive and endearing.

Did I really just say that?

No I'm confused that's it...

"Eomma... about that... I happened to meet a boy on the cruise," I began cautiously.

"See... I told you... he's going to bring a boyfriend from the mainland... Why Taehyung ah? Can't you find a good boy on this island? Did you have to go searching for one at that suspicious party?" Eomma interrupted, her tone disappointed..

"Jinnie, calm down! As if he brought someone home to marry... he just happened to take an interest in someone other than Jimin. That's a progress... you don't need to worry too much," Appa interjected, trying to diffuse the tension.

"I'm going to marry him... I can't live without him... and he's here with me. He eloped to be with me, leaving his adopted parents... now he has no one but me. We need to plan the wedding within five days so he can stay here on the island with me," I blurted out, reciting the words I'd been rehearsing all at once.

Both my eomma and appa were left speechless, shocked by my announcement.

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