Coward or brave

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"I'm going to cherish the thorn that drew this masterpiece on my palm," Koo declared softly, pressing a deep kiss onto his own hand. Tae's surprise at Koo's sudden gesture was palpable, but he quickly regained composure, scanning their surroundings for any onlookers.

"No one is watching us... you can stop pretending... or do I need to remind you that we're not in love, just pretending?!" Tae retorted firmly, his voice tinged with a hint of frustration. He is struggling  hard to resist Koo's charm.

"I'm done pretending all my life... I'm no longer going to pretend..." Koo replied with unexpected vulnerability, his gaze shifting from seductive to tender and sincere.

"What are you hoping to achieve by dropping the act? Me? You cannot  win me that easy... Don't forget, this is your second wedding... and you didn't even bother to remove your wedding ring... forget winning me..." Tae pointed out, displaying Koo's ring on the hand where Koo had just kissed. Tae couldn't able to digest the fact that Koo is someone's widow and still wearing the ring.

"I... I didn't notice... Jimin wrapped a bandage around it... I completely forgot..." Koo stammered, attempting to remove the ring with trembling fingers. "Hyung!! It means nothing to me.." he insisted, his tone pleading for understanding. After hearing Tae's  hurful words, Koo lost all his confidence  that he mustered to be true with Tae.

"It means nothing to you? Should I really believe that?" Tae questioned skeptically, watching as Koo struggled to rid himself of the ring, inadvertently reopening his wound. Before Tae could intervene, Koo flung the ring to the far end of the garden. Tae is inwardly satisfied, but then he noticed the blood...

"Koo... you're bleeding.." Tae observed, reaching out to stop the flow of blood from Koo's hand.

"Leave it... Yes!! I was married, and now I'm a widow... that's how you'll see me from now on and forever... why bother pretending to care... I don't want this wedding... I'm going back to the hell I came from... Known hell is better hhan the unknown heaven... now I understoodthat" Koo declared, turning to walk towards the entrance gate. Tae grasped his other hand and pulled him back, pressing him firmly against the tree behind his home.

" Stop... Koo..." Tae sighed cursing himself for verbally  hurting Koo

" Why should I...?? Let go..." Koo struggled in Tae' hold.

"Shhh.... stay still!!! My appa is watching from the window... let's pretend we're kissing..." Tae whispered urgently, casting a quick glance behind the tree. Though he knew they were alone and no one is looking through the window, he felt compelled to maintain the act.

"Let's not pretend to be in love, when it's just hate between us... I'll leave... you can come up with another excuse for my departure... Blame it on me.... I'll be the villain... you be a good son... I don't want to disrupt your perfect life... let me go... I'm a curse," Koo pleaded, his eyes filled with pain and resignation.

"No, you're not... I'm sorry..." Tae pleaded  searching for forgiveness in Koo's  eyes..

"Yes, I am... I'm a curse..."

"Shhh...Jin eomma is approaching... quiet down... dont struggle.... he'll leave when he catch us kissing," Tae lied again, closing the distance between them and capturing Koo's lips in his fingers. As he did, he felt a pang of guilt for deceiving Koo once more, but he had to keep Koo calm and stop him from leaving..

 As he did, he felt a pang of guilt for deceiving Koo once more, but he had to keep Koo calm and stop him from leaving

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