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Taehyung pov

As I said...

Jimin has a way of swaying Yoongi hyung's decisions. His charm could soften even the hardest hearts, and Yoongi hyung is no exception.

So, when Jimin persuaded him not to kill the bride, who he claims is Cookie, Yoongi hyung relented to his decision.

Honestly, I'm relieved. I couldn't bring myself to end the life of such a delicate soul. He seems too innocent and young to be punished for a crime he didn't commit.

I know I shouldn't let these emotions cloud my judgment, but now we have a solid reason to spare him. Solid or not.. I'm happy that he is alive..

However, while we agreed not to kill him, we're not keen on taking him with us. Our plan was to leave him on the mainland, but Jimin adamantly insisted on taking him to Hobi hyung's resort.

After some back and forth, Yoongi hyung sided with Jimin, and we decided to bring the bride along. Yoongi hyung bundled him up, while Jimin packed some of his belongings.

As we passed through the living room, Yoongi hyung signaled for me to cut the bride's hand to spill some blood near the groom's blood.

It was a move to make it appear as though the bride was also attacked during the incident. I followed his instruction, and as I made the cut, the bride flinched and peeked out from under the sheet.

Upon seeing the pool of blood that belonged to his husband, he teared up. My heart ached for him. But then, his expression shifted to one of unidentifiable smirk. Was he already planning his revenge?

His smirk after shedding a tear...??!

No... He better not!!

It's a chilling contrast-an evil smile paired with sorrowful eyes. There's something enigmatic about him.

Given the circumstance.... us killing his husband and abducting him on his wedding night... of course!! he should be terrified and seething with anger. I know we are making a mistake..

"We're making a mistake, J!!" I blurted out, unable to contain my thoughts.

"I'll take responsibility..." Jimin asserted, and the bride's gaze flickered between us, his expression betraying a mysterious smirk in his bloodshot eyes.

I made a mental note to be carefull around him.

Finally we are out of mansion..

Transferring Akira's son's body to the yacht was relatively simple, given that he was already dead.

However, once the bride lost consciousness, it became challenging to transport him onto the yacht while keeping him hidden from the other two islanders.

We needed them to assume the bride was also dead. Later, we disposed of Akira's son's body deep in the sea where it couldn't be retrieved. We threw another bundle to make it seem like we disposed of the bride's body too.

The other two shouldn't know, If they discovered the truth, it would cause panic amoung them, so it was best to keep it amongst ourselves.

The other two shouldn't know, If they discovered the truth, it would cause panic amoung them, so it was best to keep it amongst ourselves

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