An Unearthing of Goddesses Part 42

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Anya and Gaia stood in front of the empty case at the Elemental museum, staring into the glass. The other goddesses surrounded them and a distraught museum curator they had managed to find stood, wringing his hands.

"First, we experienced the loss of the Elemental wind wheel. Then, we discovered the air blade was missing – again – after you initially returned it." He gave Aurae the stinkiest of stink eyes. "We are devastated. Such an important piece. Estimated circa 800 AD."

"Actually, 750 AD," Aurae noted.

"Ahem – well, in any case, a most disastrous loss. We are investigating it of course." He continued to wring his hands.

"Are you? Who exactly is investigating?" Anya raised an eyebrow.

"Well, it has been reported. To the museum board."

"I see. A bunch of art historians. I doubt that investigation will bear much fruit."

The curator merely shrugged.

"We are looking for someone," Nandi said, stepping forward. "Perhaps you can help." She described Tatutsa-Hine to the man, who widened his eyes in recognition.

"Keiko – our librarian. At least for a time. She recently left."

"Do you know where she went?" Nandi prompted.

"No. She was not very talkative. An odd one that – even in our line of business. Most unpleasant. But she knew her manuscripts. Had an entire room of scrolls in the Air Library that she was personally researching. Was in there day and night. Very dedicated."

"Where are the manuscripts?" Anya said, casting a glance at Gaia. "We will need to see them."

"Well, that would be most irregular. Only the staff of the museum is allowed in the stacks. If you have the call number of a desired book..."

"We don't have time for this – we need to look at those scrolls," Anya said tensely.

The curator crossed his arms stubbornly. "It is museum policy – "

Kitsune stepped forward with a small bow. "Perhaps we could offer you something?"

"A bribe? Young lady, I do not accept money for lowering my principles." He shifted and recrossed his arms.

"No, no," she held up her hand. "I only mean – maybe we could donate something for the museum, that would enhance your collection."

The curator raised his eyebrows in interest.

"I have a very old and valuable air instrument – a flute – that I think you would find lovely. When played by me, it is merely an appealing serenade. But if an air creature puts lips to it, a wind is aroused that carries the music to a tumultuous height – quite unforgettable. You won't be sorry."

The curator's eyes lit up. "I love music! How entrancing..." He nodded yes, as if not speaking the words absolved him of any wrongdoing.

"You love that flute," Maeve said. "Even if you don't make it sing as you describe."

"You will carve me a new one sister," Kitsune smiled, and Nandi went to call for any native bird friend to assist in retrieving the flute – a sand partridge fluttered to her plea and left directly to find the prize for her.

"Now, lead us to the scrolls," Anya said brusquely. The curator nodded and gestured for them to follow. He led them through a curtained doorway to a round tower room filled to the sky with scrolls, neatly lining the shelves side by side, like keys on a piano. A circular staircase against the walls followed them upward, and the concave banister served as a slide for the scrolls to be delivered downward. The curator bowed to them.

An Unearthing of GoddessesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora