An Unearthing of Goddesses Part 43

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Anya flipped through a physics course manual in her seat on the deck of the treehouse. The Elementals had made a quick visit to Athena's library, where they tried to duplicate the three missing scrolls from the Elemental library as best they could, from the Goddess of Wisdom's ample collection. They perused their choices, as Hume prepared a peach dessert and his knife made a rhythmic clack against the cutting board.

Anya breezed through the pages on bosons and quarks, neutrinos and photons. "What were you looking for?" she asked the book, lingering on a chapter on dark matter.

"Do you suppose she is trying to let in a black hole?" she asked no one in particular. "Damn – I need Lhamo. Where is he? Still out joyriding with our girl?"

"I'm sure he will return soon. Let Kate have some fun; we are close enough to the Equinox ceremony," Cassie said, sitting down next to Anya. "In just a few more days, the sun's path will intersect the celestial equator and the planets will line up nicely, like the peaches on the board that Hume is slicing up for us with his kitchen knife right now."

Anya nodded, furrowing her brow. "I suppose. Slicing... planets aligning... I wonder." She closed her physics book. "Do you suppose – is it possible that Tatsuta-Hime sliced the universe at times of certain alignments, or the transitions on the astronomical calendar that mark Earth's seasons? When perhaps the conditions were right for the sky to be vulnerable?"

Nandi got up from where she was sitting and knitting beside Gaia and paced. "I think at Winter Solstice there was a minor alignment. That is when we first became aware of the rift," she said.

"And just recently – when Pegasus was injured?"

"It was directly at Lammas – the ancient day for celebrating the corn harvest, halfway between Summer Solstice and Autumn Equinox. An auspicious time to mark." Nandi nodded.

"Do you think she has been widening the rift all along – at each celestial marker, cross quarter mark, or alignment?" Anya's eyes widened.

Nandi considered, looking at Gaia, who also nodded. "It would seem so. And then it would stand to reason that she will do it again on – "

"Autum Equinox. When we need to do our ceremony," Anya said.

"If she is successful, we can hardly seal the rift as she will be tearing it even deeper," said Gaia, setting down her knitting as well.

"Then we'll just have to stop her," Nandi said, returning to Gaia's side. She put her arm around the old woman's shoulders. "You may have to show us your Elemental fire again sister."

Gaia laughed. "Gladly. It's been too often subdued of late."

Cassie moved to Aurae's side, who sat on a couch perusing the cookbook retrieved from Athena's shelves.

"Do Athena's recipes have anything appealing to your palate?"

Aurae shrugged. "There are not many authentic ancient air recipes included. Here is one though that I know. For a pheasant pie, with leeks, mint, cinnamon and wild tulip bulbs. A flaky pastry crust made from rye. You have to tie it to the firepit, or it will float away, I'm afraid. We used to make it for festival days.

"Sounds delish. Anything else?"

"A few. Quail eggs with honey and pine nuts. Gazelle stew with onion and beet. Palace cakes with dates and pistachio."

"Oh – I think you made palace cakes for our last gathering?" Dona called over. "Very tasty."

"It's an oldie, but a goodie."

"I remember after you ate them, we were all a bit windswept. All the sugar was blown from the bowl for tea!"

"Yes, the air recipes are like that. You should see me after a meringue – I positively whoosh off! All the air creatures are affected that way." Aurae laughed.

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