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Cassidy rushes to the gurney that a middle aged women is on. She puts pressure on the abdominal wound and says,

"Keep pressure on it. The doctor is on her way in."

"Does anyone know where Hilliard is?" Melissa calls out as she tends another patient.

Cassidy let's her patient go down the hall with the paramedic as does Melissa. The two turn and sigh at each other then their faces turn to Scott.

He holds up food and Melissa sighs.

"Thank God. I told him to bring you some Cass." She informs the younger girl.

The two nurses approach Scott and Melissa takes it saying,

"I'm starving." She says.

She hands it to Cassidy whom places it on the counter.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Thank you for brining us dinner." Melissa says, pulling Scott into a hug.

"Thank you tons!" Cassidy exclaims, also giving Scott a hug.

"Is everything okay?" Scott asks.

"Except for all the accident victims on a ten car pile up being rerouted here from downtown and the ER attending isn't answering any of his pages. Ya, we're okay."

"What does not answering his pages mean?" Scott asks.

"Nobody can find him so now we're waiting for the on call to get here." Cassidy tell the teen

"Miss." A women says, approaching Melissa. "Excuse me. Can I get something for the pain please?"

"Ma'am," Melissa starts. "I'm sorry. I know. Actually, giving you something can complicate things so..." Melissa walks away from the two and sits the women down.

"How much longer till doctor Hilliard?" Cassidy asks.

"Ten minutes." A nurse on a phone answers.

Melissa walks over to Cassidy and the other women saying, "That seems too long."

"That's what I've been told." The women answers.

"We should-" Cassidy is cut off by sudden yelling.

"Someone! Someone help!"

Cassidy and Melissa turn their attention to Ethan who appears to be holding Danny up. Melissa, Cassidy, and Scott rush to their aid and have him take a seat in a chair.

"You got him Melissa?" Cassidy asks.

"Ya. Could you see if that women got help?"

"That's what I was going to do." Cassidy smiles.

With one glance at Scott and Ethan, Cassidy goes to help the other nurses.


"H-ha-hang on." Sheriff says. "They were both in the car?"

Cassidy, Melissa, and Scott are answering questions from the Sheriff. Stiles showed up and is answering them too.

"No dad. They're trying to tell you that it was two separate kidnappings okay?" Stiles says. "Two doctors both gone."

"So, whose car is this?" Sheriff asks.

"Doctor Hilliard." Melissa answers.

"The on call doctor. The ER attending is the one that never made it in." Cassidy adds.

"Let me just focus on getting your stories first, alright?" Sheriff tells Cassidy and Melissa.

They both nod.

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