Ch.36: Biggest Liar.

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"Hey, Naya? Are you in for an evening plan right?". Naya's friend, Dao, asked her through a call when she was doing laundry in her house.

"Yes! Give me a second". She excused herself before placing clothes in the washing machine.

"Are you busy?". Her friend asked her.

"No, just doing my laundry". She said,

"How many times should we request you to join our pg? Naya, don't you feel alone in that big ass house? Even your grannies died so just sell that house and come here na".

"And how many times should I tell you I won't do that? Dao, you know how much Bangkok means to me so I need my own house to chill. I mean, in future I should come to bangkok with my husband right? That time we need a house to stay right?".

"There are hotels-".

"No! I hate hotels. Anyways I need to get a bath and get ready so I'll meet you in infront of entertainment, byee!!". She disconnected the call and went to do her work.


She reached the entertainment and hugged her best friend.

"All the best! Do well!". She congratulated her friend who was auditioning for an acting career.

Her friend nodded and went inside the auditioning room. She sat on the chair nearby and was checking her phone. She didn't realise that someone from the top floor was watching her.

That's none other than the billionaire CEO of that entertainment, the most powerful person in Bangkok, Mr Jeff Satur. He came to her floor and walked towards her with his bodyguards. First she didn't notice him but soon raised her head when she felt a presence next to her. Her eyes widened and got up when she realised who he was.

"J-Jeff Sir!!!". She bowed to him as he just smiled and took a hand shake.

"Name?". He asked.

"Naya. Kang Naya".

"Oh Korean. Are you here to audition?".

"N-No, Sir. I'm just here with my friend. She's auditioning". She said smiling.

Then they had a few talks and exchanged their numbers. Fishy right? Even Naya felt that but she just shrugged it off.

Soon, after a few weeks their friendship growed. Then one day he called her to his party for which she agreed to come. When she reached the party he took her to his friends and introduced her. After a few minutes she excused herself to the washroom. After her work she came out to see him standing a few metres away.

"What happened?". She asked him.

"Ha? Nothing, just I can't trust any men here so come to bodyguard you". He said. She just nodded and was about to go but he held her waist by pinning her against the wall.

"You look so beautiful today". He said.

"T-thank you".

"Why don't you choose modelling? I'll spend millions to make you famous". He whispered in her ear making her uncomfortable.

"I-I want to become an artist like m-my sister". She said, making him look at him.

"Artist? No, I'll pay you more. All you have to do is just satisfy people". He said, making her eyes widened.

"W-What?? N-No. I'm not like t-that cheap!!". She pushed him and began to run. She ran out of the club but he chased her and locked her up near an empty alley. She began to shout for help while crying in a mess.

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