Chapter 4

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Luke shifted out of his meditation as he felt a shift in the Force. Cracking open an eye, he scanned his surroundings, wondering what had distracted him.

He reached for Leia in his mind to see if her part of the plan had succeeded and jerked back when he discovered she had been captured.

Maybe Anakin had been right. Maybe it was a stupid plan.

Speaking of Anakin...

Luke turned to see the man still slumped against the rock, out cold from whatever had shocked him enough to pass out.

Sighing, Luke rose to his feet, dusting the gritty sand off of his robes and staring at Anakin's unconscious form. Quickly, he tried shaking the man again, this time with a tad bit more violence.

Luke was relatively surprised when he managed to wake up Anakin in a matter of two minutes. But each second still counted in his plan...

He watched Anakin curiously as he woke up slowly, blinking and taking in his surroundings rather fuzzily.

"P-Padmé?" He croaked, obviously thinking he was somewhere else.

Luke smiled, not knowing who Padmé was and hating to rain on Anakin's parade that he was not with whoever that person was. "Nope. Just me."

Anakin blinked the crust out of his eyes and let his vision settle on the boy, Luke, the boy who also had the same last name as Anakin, therefore making him an ancestor of some sort.

Luke had mentioned his father's name being Anakin as well...maybe it had blossomed into the future generations of the Skywalker family, a name passed down through the years...but judging what year the boy said it was, Anakin had a fuzzy thought that it was probably just wishful thinking.

But this boy couldn't possibly be...

'Ani...I'm pregnant.'

Anakin's wife's voice echoed through his mind and he winced, remembering the memory all too well and the nightmare that had accompanied it. Padmé dying in childbirth...Anakin left alone to raise their child...most likely an expulsion from the Jedi Order...

Anakin shuddered visibly, much to Luke's worry. Something was definitely plaguing the man, he just wasn't sure what. Luke hesitated on his words, not knowing what to say, but knowing that he had to get inside Jabba's palace now. He couldn't wait for this stranger to get himself together and then save his friends.

"Oh." Anakin whispered silently, shakily getting to his feet. Luke moved forward to help, but Anakin pushed him away, bracing one hand on the rock he had been leaning against. " said you had to rescue a friend of yours?"

Luke blinked, "Um...yes. And I offered you a ride if you helped me...but then you threatened me and passed out."

"I did?" Anakin asked, rubbing a small knot that was forming on the back of his head. His long, dark blonde hair was tangled with sweat and sand, and he found himself grimacing.

"Yes...look, I'm sure you're a great guy and all, but my friends are waiting on me." Luke said, looking nervously towards Jabba's palace.

Anakin sighed, not really knowing what was happening and if it was real or not. The Force was obviously trying to tell him something...something about his future. But if this Luke kid was really his son...

He stared at the boy, his golden locks shining in the dual suns of Tatooine. He did look eerily like him...and a little of Padmé as well if he really thought about it.

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