Chapter 11

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The vast Rebel Fleet stretched as far as the eye could see throughout the depths of space. Anakin and Luke moved out of hyperspace and towards the dozens of small Corellian battleships flying in formation. Fighters and battle cruisers surrounded the largest of the Rebel Star Cruisers, the Headquarters Frigate.

"We're here."  Luke said monotonously, steering the ship toward the nearest docking bay. Anakin nodded so Luke knew he heard, and sighed, staring out the viewport of their fighter. He took in several of the ships with an impressed air. This Rebellion was much more hardcore than he first thought. They were very serious about destroying the Empire and restoring the Republic.

Anakin took a deep breath, knowing he would have to face Han and Leia again, this time with completely different opinions about the both of them.

Not only that, but a dark presence seemed to be continuously gnawing at the back of his mind, threatening him silently. Anakin tried to push it away, but it didn't budge, only pressing further. He shivered and focused again on his son, smiling at how smooth his pilot skills were.

Speaking of that...would anyone in this Rebellion recognize him? He hadn't exactly been subtle about who he was back during the Clone Wars. The Negotiator and the Hero With No Fear, the dynamic Jedi duo to save the Republic.

There was bound to be plenty of people here who had lived during the Clone Wars time period and knew his face well. With that knowledge, Anakin drew his hood over his head. Luke looked back at him with a confused look, but Anakin reassured him with a nod and a faint mental message.

'Trust me.' He sent.

Luke groaned in frustration, feeling left out of something obvious once again. Anakin sighed...when would he tell Luke who he was? He had to tell him soon...but when? He still felt wary to tell him, worrying it would put him and his sister in danger.

When they pulled into the docking bay, Luke clambered out first, waving at a few pilot friends he saw throughout the room. Anakin swept the room with the Force and climbed out as well. A tech moved forward to tend to the Y-Wing and Luke started moving through the bay, where he was going, Anakin was unsure.

He followed him, still not saying a word as they strolled through the hall. Luke quickened his pace when they reached a door and suddenly stopped, turning to Anakin.

"They're not going to know who you are, so they'll be wary.'s Alliance custom for unknown visitors to scan in, to make sure you aren't Imperial." Luke said, looking kind of sheepish that he had forgotten that certain protocol before he had gotten here.

"But I'm not--" Luke held up a hand.

"I know. But they won't let you stay if they don't trust you." Luke said.

Anakin grumbled. "Fine. What do I do?"

"A droid just takes a DNA sample and puts it in a database to find out--"

"No." Anakin said firmly, his eyes narrowing.

Luke blinked at the sudden anger in Anakin's voice. "Why? What's the matter?"

Anakin looked around as if someone was watching him, looking cautious. "Luke, you know by this point that I'm a Jedi. Having my information in a database is rather dangerous for me. The Empire hasn't found me yet, right?"

Luke looked uncertain, knowing Anakin was right. "You didn't seem to know much about the Empire when I first met you on Tatooine."

Anakin shrugged, trying his best to act nonchalant. "A cover."

Luke scoffed. "That was a cover? You seemed genuinely confused to me."

"Please Luke...they'll trust me. And if they don't...then we'll deal with that when we get to that."

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