Chapter 16

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     The tribe of Ewoks moved forward in a line, most of them carrying long poles that had their prisoners strapped to them with long vines, immobilizing them as if they were wriggling larvae in cocoons. However, one golden protocol droid was instead being carried on a litter, being treated like a king and the deity they thought he was.

     The procession moved along a shaky, narrow, wooden walkway that was high in the colossus trees. It wasn't long before they finally stopped at the end of a walkway, which dropped into nothingness. Luke feared for a moment that the creatures would simply pitch them off the side of the walkway as a form of disposal, but a great sense of temporary relief overcame him when they continued to walk on.

     Once they turned into what looked like the village square, Luke, Chewie, Anakin, and Artoo were put to the side whilst Han was tied to a spit and balanced over a pile of kindling that looked suspiciously like a barbecue pit.

     The Corellian's eyes widened and he struggled lightly, not necessarily wanting to become dinner today.

     Anakin ignored Han's struggles and focused on the creatures in the village. There were so many of them, most looking at the newcomers in fright or anger. Several mothers took their children inside small huts for protection while dinner smoke filled the air, and the tribe of creatures danced around to a strange, resonant music on reeded instruments.

      Soon, several Ewoks were surrounding Han, the man scowling at each of them as they chattered curiously in animated squeals. Teebo, the one who had jabbed Han with his spear initially, moved forward. After looking at the group of prisoners for a minute, he turned back to his tribe and announced something in his native language. He discussed with another Ewok, Paploo, one who sympathized with the Rebels, and talked for a good while.

     Meanwhile, Threepio had been lowered near the spit Han was on, following the discussion between the Ewoks with interest. He translated briefly for Master Luke and the others, but he didn't get very far at the speed the creatures were talking.

     Han looked at Luke out of the corner of his eyes. "I have a really bad feeling about this."

     Anakin looked at the Corellian when he said that, and sighed. "I wish you hadn't said that."

     Suddenly, another Ewok, Logray, exited from a large hut and silenced Teebo and Paploo. The Ewoks quieted reluctantly, watching as Logray inspected the prisoners. He smelled Han, felt the fabric of Luke's clothing, and prodded Anakin. However, when he approached Chewie, he became fascinated. He too jabbed the Wookiee with his spear, yet Chewie simply growled lowly, taking exception to the curiosity.

     The prisoner rebels looked confusedly at the strange Ewok as he sprinkled herbs around the Wookiee. "Careful, Chewie," Han called. "He must be the head honcho."

     "Actually, I do believe he is their Medicine Man." Threepio said from his throne.

     Lastly, Logray moved toward Artoo, the most curious of the bunch. He sniffed, tapped, and stroked the astromech's metal body, then scrunched his face up in consternation. After a moment, he ordered the droid to be cut down.Two knife-weilding guards cut Artoo down without hesitation, watching the droid slide off his pole and crash unceremoniously onto the ground.

     After the brief drama, Logray moved towards his golden god and spoke with him, looking thoroughly pleased.

     Han noticed several Ewoks moving to put more firewood underneath him, and panicked. "Threepio, what did he say?"

     "Well I'm rather embarrassed, Captain Solo, but it appears you are to be the main course at a banquet in my honor. He will be quite offended if I suggest otherwise." Threepio said.

     But before the prisoners could start to protest, drums started beating and two Ewoks exited the large hut. One was noticeably older, his graying fur obviously deeming him an elder. His name was Chief Chirpa, and behind him was the young Ewok named Wicket.

     Not too long after they exited did someone follow them out—but it wasn't another one of the creatures.

     "Leia!" Han, Luke, and Anakin cried in unison. Chewie growled in happiness and Artoo beeped as well. Threepio slumped back on his throne, immensely relieved to see the princess.

     Leia, her hair worn down with a braided crown and her clothes a light brown animal-skin dress, barely heard her friends' call of elation at seeing her safe when her eyes settled on Han resting on a pole over a fire pit. Her brown eyes widened in horror.

     She whirled on Threepio, who looked startled at her light anger. "Threepio, tell them they are my friends! Tell them they must be set free!"

     Nodding with a quick, "Yes Your Highness.", Threepio turned to Chirpa and Logray. "Eep sqee rheeow. Sqeeow rosh keep meet eerah."

     Chirpa and Logray listened but shook their heads, gesturing at the helpers to continue piling wood underneath Han.

     "Somehow, I got the feeling that didn't help us very much." Han said sarcastically, looking nervously at the ever piling firewood.

      "Threepio, tell them if they don't do as you wish, you'll become angry and use your magic." Anakin said suddenly, winking at Luke. The boy understood where Anakin was going immediately, nodding in understanding.

     "But Sir Anakin, what magic? I couldn't possibly—" Threepio asked in confusion.

     "Threepio, just tell them." Luke said.

     Sighing, the protocol droid turned to the awaiting audience of Ewoks. "Eemeeblee screesh oahr aish sh sheestee meep eep eep." Several Ewoks backed up, greatly disturbed by the droid-god's words. However, Logray stepped forward, shouting something that sounded like a challenge.

     "You see, Master Luke; they didn't believe me. Just..." Threepio continued to blabber on as Luke and Anakin closed their eyes in concentration, calling on the Force to slowly raise the dais the droid sat on. At first, Threepio didn't notice and continued to talk. "... as I said they wouldn't. Wha-wha-what's happening! Oh! Oh, dear! Oh!" He finally noticed how high in the air he was and began to panic.

     The Ewoks stared up at the floating throne in horror, panicking more as he then began to spin in the air. "Put me down! He-e-elp! Master Luke! Sir Anakin! Artoo! Somebody, somebody, help! Master Luke, Sir Anakin, Artoo! Artoo, quickly! Do something, somebody! Oh! Ohhh!"

     Chief Chirpa yelled orders at his people, trying desperately to calm them all. He gestured towards the prisoners, and several of the fuzzy creatures moved to release the rebels. As soon as they were released, Han, Anakin, and Luke, all enveloped Leia in a group hug, not noticing as she exclaimed with a laugh of surprise. A concerned beeping behind the friends caught their attention, and they looked down to see Artoo wobbling back and forth insistently. The group looked up to see Threepio still floating in the air, his panic-filled cries still leaving him. With chuckles, Anakin and Luke lowered the droid slowly and cautiously.

     "Thanks, Threepio." Anakin said, patting the golden protocol droid on the shoulder. Threepio looked up at Anakin with a somewhat shaken expression on his metal face.

     "I...I never knew I had it in me." Threepio said slowly.

      The friends laughed at their droid companion and relished in the moment of being together again.

     Force knew it was only a temporary feeling.



I know it's been a while so here's a cute, humorous little scene. I have to keep it light before all the bad stuff starts happening...:(

So anyways...

If you guys haven't seen the Redemption trailer I made, you should go check it out! It's posted on the first chapter of my other book Redemption and is a thank you gift for 14K (15K now! *le gasp*)

Oh, and happy belated Thanksgiving!

May the Force be with You,

- lucky_ducky_123

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