Chapter 15

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Han, Luke, Chewie, Anakin, and the two droids were spread out amongst the heavy foliage of the forest. Luke noticed a few holes on a nearby log, and moved towards them curiously. He ran his finger down the burn and knew automatically that it was a blaster bolt.

He quickly inspected the area around the log, his gut churning in dread as he caught sight of a helmet buried in a bush. He picked it up and brushed it off, knowing it to be Leia's.

With a look of concern, Luke looked around the silent forest, met only by the sights of nature. 'Oh Leia, where are you?'

"Luke? Luke!" Han's voice called out from the distance. Luke jerked up at his name being called, and quickly moved towards it, finding Han, Anakin, Chewie, and the droids standing together over the charred remains of a speeder. Luke froze, his eyes wide.

Anakin noticed his presence first and turned around, a nervous look on his face. He saw the helmet that Leia had been wearing earlier in Luke's hands, and blanched.

"Oh, Master Luke." Threepio said sadly, noticing the worry in his Master's eyes. "I'm afraid that Artoo's scanners can find no trace of Princess Leia."

"There's two more wrecked speeders back there." Anakin said, his blue eyes dull of emotion.

Luke bit his lip and tossed the helmet to Han. The Corellian inspected it for anything unusual and then sighed when he came up empty-handed. "I hope she's alright."

"She has to be alright." Anakin said suddenly and firmly. "We're not giving up."

Han blinked. "Woah, slow down there. I didn't say anything about giving up."

Anakin scowled. "You thought about it for a brief second. I could see it in your eyes."

Han's temper rose as well. "You Jedi and your kriffing mind tricks. Just lay off! Luke and I have known the princess much longer than you have."

Anakin's eye twitched and he huffed, not looking Han in the eye. Luke watched the confrontation with wide eyes, looking back and forth between his two friends. Chewie grumbled beside him, expressing his distaste of the argument. But suddenly, the Wookiee growled and sniffed the air, then, with a bark, pushed off through the foliage. His companions watched him go with surprise.

Han grumbled in confusion and called after his companion. "What, Chewie? What? Chewie!" With the others following quickly in pursuit, Han ran after the overgrown furball he considered a friend, trying fleetingly to keep up with his long strides.

Behind them all, Artoo whistled nervously, the astromech sensing that something was amiss. Otherwise, Chewie would not have reacted so suddenly.

Panting, the group finally stopped at a break in the undergrowth. Chewie walked up to a
tall stake planted in the center of the ground, a dead animal hanging from it.

Han stared at the stake with a disbelieving expression. Chewie had made them run that whole way for a snack? "It's just a dead animal, Chewie." Han grumbled in annoyance, trying to catch his breath.

Chewie waved a paw at his friend and stared hungrily at the carcass of meat. Suddenly, a blared warning in the Force made Luke and Anakin jerk in surprise, the warning leaving Luke's mouth first before, "Chewie, wa-wait! Don't--"

It was too late.

The Wookiee had already pulled the animal from the stake and was preparing to take a gaping bite out of it, when the ground shifted around the group of friends and they were all suddenly sprung into the air, smushed together in a tightly woven net and suspended high above the ground.

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