Chapter 17

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Threepio was a surprisingly good story teller for a self-conscious protocol droid posing as a god to a tribe of teddy bears.

A group of ten Ewok elders were flanking Chief Chirpa, who sat on his throne and studied Threepio with interest.

Threepio sat in between the group of Ewoks and the group of rebels, Wicket and Teebo however, off to the side near the rebels as opposed to their own people.

The Ewoks listened carefully to Threepio's story and occasionally murmured comments to each other. Threepio pointed several times at the Rebel group and pantomimed a short history of the Galactic Civil War, mimicking the explosion and rocket sounds, and imitating Imperial walkers.

Throughout the long account, certain familiar names were distinguishable in Basic: Princess Leia, Artoo, Darth Vader, Death Star, Jedi, Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Anakin, however, found himself frustrated at the story, wishing he could understand the language. If anything, he wanted to know more about his future children. At least the animated sound effects coming from the droid still provided for an intriguing tale.

It wasn't long before Artoo began beeping excitedly at Threepio.

"Yes, Artoo. I was just coming to that." Threepio reassured his excited droid friend.

More distinguishable names appeared through the story, drawing in the silent crowd: Millennium Falcon, Cloud City, Vader, Han Solo, carbonite, Sarlacc, bringing the history up to the present time.

At the end of it, the Chief, Logray, and the elders conferred, then nodded in agreement. The Chief stood and made a pronouncement.

The drums began to sound, and all the Ewoks stood with a great cheer, startling the rebels into confusion.

"What's going on?" Han asked. Leia, who was sitting beside him with her head on his shoulder—much to Anakin's annoyance of course—looked around in her own bout of confusion.

"I don't know." She admitted, hoping the Ewoks hadn't decided to put her friends back over the barbecue pit again.

Anakin was about to provide a theory that the Ewoks probably just really liked the story and were now celebrating it, when a cold shiver shot down his spine. His hand tensed around his saber and he looked warily around the hut for what had caused the disturbance.

To his surprise, it was Luke.

The boy was at the back corner of the hut, a weary smile still gracing his features from hearing Threepio's story, despite a dark cloud of dread hanging over him.

Worried, Anakin rose to his feet, stealthily shifting closer to where Luke was located. Luke barely noticed, too entranced in his thoughts.

Han felt when Leia stiffened under his grasp and he looked to her in concern. Leia waved him off, yet her chocolate brown eyes kept lingering on the two shadows in the corner.

"Wonderful!" Threepio said suddenly, startling all four companions. "We are now a part of the tribe!"

Han flinched as Wicket attacked his leg in a hug. Leia smiled at Han's confused look and the Ewok who had helped her. Han used his free hand and patted the furry creature, trying his best to be polite.

"Just what I always wanted." Han grumbled, noticing that Chewie was in the same predicament as him when another Ewok attached to his long furry leg. "Well, short help is better than no help at all, Chewie."

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