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   Anakin woke slowly, his eyes fluttering open to look upon a blank white ceiling, the muffled sound of a vital monitor beeping beside him. With a confused groan, he forced himself to wake faster and gently turned his head to the side to see a machine beeping with each beat of his heart. A wire was attached to it that traveled down to his flesh arm along with an IV line hooked in to give him necessary fluids.

A medcenter obviously...one he recognized as the one in the Jedi Temple. He had been in here many times from his youth as a Padawan all the way up until his Knight years. And usually there was one person waiting right beside him...

He turned his head to the other side to confirm his suspicions. A small smile dusted his lips as he saw his old Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, his head pillowed in his arm as he sat in a chair snoring, his eyes fluttering and his mouth partly opened. He must've been in the room a while if he had fallen asleep in a chair. Anakin knew how grumpy Obi-Wan could get and laughed lightly at the thought of him waking up with his bedraggled ginger hair and beard.

A pang of memories suddenly hit him and he remembered his whole time-traveling adventure. Obi-Wan had been dead, he had gone to the dark side, and Luke had...

He sat bolt up right, his vital monitor suddenly beeping dangerously. The commotion startled the sleeping Jedi Master beside him and gray-blue eyes shot open in clouded confusion. "Anakin?" A faint mutter with a familiar Coruscanti accent asked.

Anakin sent terrified blue eyes around the room, causing Obi-Wan to realize that his old Padawan was truly distressed. He stood up from his chair and ignored the dizziness that came with standing up too fast. He pressed a hand to Anakin's shoulder and gently pushed him back down, frowning in concern.

"Anakin, you shouldn't press yourself. You went through quite a lot in the past few hours." Obi-Wan explained, remembering his horror when he had returned from Utapau only to hear that Anakin had killed Chancellor Palpatine, who was apparently Darth Sidious, and had been ushered to medbay after he passed out randomly. Master Windu had also mentioned Anakin saying something about a son right after he killed the Sith, but he couldn't be sure. And as if that wasn't enough, Senator Amidala had soon after been dispatched to the nearest medcenter on Coruscant for her water breaking. The doctors and nurses had instantly contacted the Jedi temple when they figured out who the father was. Padmé still had yet to give birth, but it was still a bit of a shock. Obi-Wan had always known their was something between Padmé and Anakin, but never had he expected them to have an actual child.

"You're telling me." Anakin muttered in response, shaking Obi-Wan out of his reverie. "You will not believe what I just went through, Master."

"Oh?" Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow. "I've heard quite enough, young one. Killing a Sith? Your wife giving birth, perhaps?"

Anakin blinked at the mention of Padmé and smiled sheepishly. Then the words settled further in his mind. "Birth!? She's giving birth now!?"

"Um...not now, per se, but—"

Anakin instantly began to clamber out of the bed only to be pushed back by Obi-Wan. "Anakin, you just woke up. You can't strain yourself like this. The drugs in your system might be making you act a little irrational—"

"I have to see her, Obi-Wan. You don't understand. There was Jabba, and then Luke and Leia, and apparently she's dating a Corellian—a Corellian, can you believe it—and then Vader was me and there was ghost you, but you were old, and Master Yoda lived in a swamp but he died too, but then we were captured by weird teddy bear things, and I couldn't protect Luke, and Sidious lightning, and stabbing with lightsabers, but then Padmé died and it was my fault, and I fought you, not old you but you you and I just, I have to see them, all of them, even the Corellian I suppose, and—"

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