Chapter 10

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Anakin watched Luke carefully as he slowly packed his things into the Y-Wing, a depressed aura radiating off of him. He really wanted to say something to the boy, but words seemed to be lost to him. Seeing Master Yoda die had come as a shock to Anakin as well, but it was obvious that Luke was the one who was taking it harder.

He wanted to say something to the boy, but the words wouldn't come. So, with a sigh, Anakin decided to focus once more on what Yoda had said, and Luke's nightmare that he had witnessed firsthand.

Another Skywalker? Had Master Yoda meant Anakin himself, hinting at Luke that his father had come from the future? Or was it something else entirely...something like...

A sibling?

Anakin blanched at the thought of having more than one child. But if he had gone to the dark side...and Luke had been raised by his aunt and uncle, then how had Padmé managed to have two children?

And was it with another man?

Anakin shook his head at the ridiculous thought. His wife would never do that to him, it wasn't in her gentle nature.

So if it was a sibling...maybe it was a twin of some kind. Luke obviously didn't know who it was, being just as surprised as Anakin had been at the words Yoda had uttered before death.

A forlorn beeping brought Anakin out of his thoughts and he looked up to see Artoo nudging Luke, getting no response as the boy continued to pack the ship, purposely ignoring the droid. Artoo pushed more forcefully and Luke stumbled with a start before he regained his balance and scowled at the droid. "Not right now Artoo."

Artoo whistled sadly and wheeled away, not wanting to anger his Master further. Anakin sighed at Luke's behavior. He had gotten like that himself sometimes, especially when he was feeling down. Anger sometimes seemed to be the only answer.

'And look where that got you.' A voice in his head said. He winced at the thought, knowing his conscience was right.

But the Dark Side? It just seemed so surreal that that was his actual future...unless he fixed it of course.

Suddenly, a strange feeling engulfed the time-traveling Jedi and he shot to his feet, scanning his surroundings cautiously. He noticed Luke had stiffened as well, his blue eyes searching around him.

A sudden urge of parental protectiveness came over Anakin and he moved closer to his son, swiftly igniting his saber...the same one Luke had been using to fight Vader. He knew that now...after seeing it in the nightmare, it was practically unmistakable to be anyone else's but his own.


"Shhh..." Anakin held up a hand, gesturing for Luke to get out his weapon as well. He held up the glowing blue sword and waved it around in defense, his senses on high alert.

Artoo warbled nervously, shifting back and forth and staying near the two Skywalkers.

Then, an eerie glow caught the edge of Anakin's vision and he sprung to the side, lashing out at...nothing.

"What the--­­"

"After all these years Anakin, the least you could do is start with a hello. Then again, you always were a 'fight first ask questions later' type of person weren't you?"

Anakin's eyes nearly popped out of his head as he took in a spectral figure slowly coming into view before him. It was an old man with wispy white hair and a beard, his smile crinkling at his eyes which were slightly tinged with sadness.

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