Chapter 21

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Han, Leia, Chewie, and the rest of the Rebel strike team made their way into the bunker, Han ushering them along with shouted commands. "All right! Up! Move! Come on, quickly! Quickly, Chewie!"

There were no guards down the long corridors for a while until they reached the fourth cross-corridor where six Imperial stormtroopers stood on watch.

Laser fire began instantly, two stormtroopers being hit immediately. The third lost his weapon and was unable to do much but avoid the shots. Two more stood behind a door and blasted anyone trying to get through. But it wasn't long before Chewbacca came up behind them and used the very door they were hiding behind to crush them.

Finally, the sixth guard was shot out by Leia and the guard still avoiding the fire was tackled and knocked unconscious by Han.

There were next to no casualties on the Rebels side, which was a good thing, but the attack had definitely not been stealthy. It wouldn't be long before an alarm began to ring. Quickly, the group moved forward and towards the power center.

"Charges!" Han shouted, determined to get the job done.

"Han, the fleet! They're arriving!" Leia shouted, helping a few Rebels with setting the charges.

Han looked over at the screen Leia was gesturing at and swore. The fleet had definitely arrived, but they were being attacked. They had to get the shield down immediately. "With the shield still up, they're backed against the wall."

"That is correct. Just as you are." A voice called from the back of the room.

The Rebels all whirled to find several Imperials with blasters trained on them, an entire legion by the looks of them. The Rebels were completely surrounded with no chance to run or fight.

Helpless looks were exchanged.

They had failed.

Han and Leia couldn't help but think of Luke and Anakin up on the Second Death Star, vulnerable because of many deaths...

They should've known this plan was never going to work.


The Rebel fleet broke out of hyperspace to face the eerie Second Death Star and its armada of Star Destroyers surrounding it. The moon of Endor was near it, projecting the invisible shield that protected the death machine...that was until the strike team below took it out.

The Alliance's navy instantly took charge on its target, the Millennium Falcon in the lead. But Lando Calrissian felt a nervous feeling in his gut and checked his scanners multiple times. He exchanged a look with his co-pilot, who looked just as nervous.

"Zhng ahi gngnohzh. Dzhy lyhz!" Nien Nunb said in his native language, pointing towards the control panel frantically.

Lando, understanding the language, bit his lip. "But how could that be? We have to get some kind of reading on that shield, up or down."

Nien shook his head frustratedly. "Dzhmbd."

Lando blinked. "Jammed? How could they be jamming us if they don't know we're...coming." His words slowly sunk in with a rising horror. This was no surprise attack, the Empire knew they were coming!

Before he could think much harder, his hands flew towards the commlink, contacting everyone else in the fleet. "Break off the attack! The shield's still up!"

Red Leader's voice came back through the comm, sounding unsure. "I got no reading, are you sure?"

"Pull up!" Lando practically screamed. "All crafts pull up!"

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