Chapter 5

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     Jabba's giant, antigravity Sail Barge glided slowly across the endless desert surface of the Dune Sea. Its sand-blasted iron hull creaked in the slight breeze that made the heat only semi-tolerable. Two small skiffs floated into formation behind the grand ship, one an escort craft bearing six scruffy soldiers; and the other a gun skiff, containing the prisoners: Luke, Han, Anakin, and Chewie-all in bonds of course-and surrounded by armed guards: Barada, two Weequays, and Lando Calrissian, still pulling off that disguise of his.

     Anakin looked around the barren sea of sand and caught the Corellian, Han, doing the same, albeit unsuccessfully with his temporary blindness, the side effect of carbon freezing. He was mainly used his ears as a dominant sense.

       "I think my eyes are getting better. Instead of a big dark blur, I see a big light blur." Han said rather flatly, sounding annoyed.

      "There's nothing to see." Anakin interrupted. "I used to live here, you know." Flashes of his life as a slave returned to him and he held back his grimace at the thought of his mother.

      Luke's blue eyes snapped up to him in surprise once the words left his mouth. "You did?"

     Anakin sighed. "Never liked it. Was always glad to get off this dustball. Why do you look so surprised?"

     Luke shook his head, blinking. "I-well I used to live here too. My aunt and uncle raised me."

     Anakin stared at the boy. His aunt and uncle had raised him!?

      "Well newsflash boys, you're gonna die here, too. Convenient." Han said sarcastically, casting a knowing look onto Luke's face as best he could.

      "It's glad to know all of you are such optimistic people." Anakin grumbled.

       "Wait, what part of Tatooine are you from?" Luke asked curiously, still not dropping the subject.

      "Mos Espa. I lived with my mother. We were..." Anakin hesitated, catching both Han and Luke's attention instantly. "I'd rather not talk about my past if you don't mind," Anakin said stiffly, focusing his eyes on the sand to avoid looking at the two men beside him. His childhood was always a rough subject.

      "Anakin...isn't that Luke's father's name? I vaguely remember the kid saying that. Some great Jedi or something." Han pointed out to break the silence, not noticing Luke's shoulders stiffen at his words.

     Anakin shrugged nonchalantly, hiding his brief panic at the question and confusion at Luke's reaction. "Small galaxy."

      Han scoffed. "That I sincerely doubt."

      Luke sighed, deciding he could question Anakin when they got a better chance to. Heading towards their executions on a skiff probably wasn't the best time for conversation. "Just stick close to Chewie and Lando. I've taken care of everything." Luke said.

     "Oh...great! If this is your big plan Luke, so far I'm not crazy about it." Han said with mock optimism.

"Jabba's palace was too well guarded. This will work." Luke said.

"You've been saying that quite a lot lately." Anakin said with a smirk.

Luke turned beet red. Han rolled his eyes. "I can hardly wait." That kid and his belief in the Force...if only he had a blaster with him.

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