Chapter 19

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Han, Leia, Chewbacca, the droids, Wicket, and another Ewok scout named Paploo were hidden and peeking over a ridge that overlooked the massive Imperial shield generator, a landing platform at its base.

Leia, her mind trying to stay focused on her mission and not her brother and father being flown up to the Death Star as prisoners, studied the installation. She turned to her companions, ever the leader. "The main entrance to the control bunker's on the far side of that landing platform. This isn't gonna be easy."

Han turned to her with a light smile, his mind on Luke and Anakin as well, but the knowledge of Anakin's identity or Luke and Leia's relation not yet in his mind. Leia decided to wait on those little bits of information, deciding to tell her friend of it when their mission was over. Besides, it wasn't only her secret to tell.

"Hey, don't worry. Chewie and me got into a lot of places more heavily guarded than this." Han said confidently. Leia chuckled lightly until she noticed Wicket and Paploo discussing rapidly in their native language. Both her and Han turned to Threepio, who gladly translated for them.

"He says there's a secret entrance on the other side of the ridge." The protocol droid said, causing Han and Leia to share a look and come up with a plan.


Meanwhile, in space, the rebel fleet was preparing their jump to hyperspace, all set for the plot against the Second Death Star. The giant Mon Calamari cruiser sat in the front of the fleet, but the Millennium Falcon soon roared up behind it, tiny in comparison but leading nonetheless.

Inside the beloved Corellian freighter, Lando Calrissian sat at the pilot seat while his Sullustan co-pilot, Nien Nunb, sat beside him, inspecting the unfamiliar controls of the ship. While he did that, Lando leaned into his commlink to speak to Ackbar inside the large starship.

"Admiral, we're in position. All fighters accounted for." Lando said.

"Proceed with the countdown. All groups assume attack coordinates." the Admiral stated into the comm.

Lando sighed and then turned to his obviously nervous partner. "Don't worry, my friends are down there. They'll have that shield down on time..." his words faded and he tightened his hands on the controls, now whispering to himself. "...or this'll be the shortest offensive of all time."

Nien sighed and grunted a comment in his native language, flicking switches in front of him and setting the coordinates into the navicomputer.

"All crafts, prepare to jump to hyperspace on my mark." Ackbar's voice came over the main commlink again.

"Alright. Stand by." Lando set, double-checking the coordinates and then slowly pulling back the lever for lightspeed. The stars quickly streaked into star lines, and one by one, each ship shot its way into the lulling, mystic blue light of hyperspace.


Han, Leia, Chewie, the droids, and their two Ewok guides met back up with the strike squad, quickly explaining their idea. The entire group was spread out amongst the dense underbrush, looking down at the bunker that led to the generator. There was a total of four imperial scouts guarding the doors, their speeder bikes parked nearby for a quick getaway. Chewie growled low in observation and Paploo tugged on Han's sleeve, pointing something out.

Han followed the Ewok's stubby finger and smirked lightly, impressed with the little guy. "Back door, huh? Good idea."

Paploo nodded pridefully and turned back to continue discussing with Wicket. Han sighed and turned to Leia, her brown eyes focused intensely on the guards, trying to figure out a way to incapacitate them. "It's only a few guards." Han said, cutting off her train of thought. "This shouldn't be too much trouble."

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