Chapter 18

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Crouched below the landing platform, Luke and Anakin were concealed in the brush, watching an Imperial ship take off towards the Death Star and a group of stormtroopers slowly approaching their location. Anakin looked over at Luke, whose face looked void of emotion as he studied the scene.

"Are you sure about this Luke?" Anakin asked the boy. Luke glanced at him, still ever wary after finding out that he was his father. It was shocking of course, but it just didn't make any sense. Luke had been so optimistic that Vader had a good side, but he just hadn't been expecting someone so like himself.

"Yes. Of course I am. This is my destiny." Luke said firmly, biting his lip.

Anakin sighed, noticing Luke's tense shoulders. "Just relax. We'll be fine."

"I know. But...what if you blow up the galaxy or something simply by being in the same room as Vader? Maybe I should just go alone like I planned before." Luke said.

Anakin scowled at that. "Luke, we've already discussed this. You are not going on your own and that is final. I saw what Vader did to you...your hand. I will not let you get hurt again. My job right now is to protect you."

Luke snarled suddenly and surprisingly. "And why does it matter? If I die, you'll eventually go back to your own timeline where I haven't even been born yet. Your real son will be there waiting for you, won't he? I'm nothing but a test for you. To show you your future. I'm nothing."

"Luke." Anakin snapped, taken aback at the boy's abruptness. How could he think so lowly of himself?

The young Jedi suddenly began choking on his onslaught of tears. "I...I'm just so scared father. What if...what if I fail and turn to the dark side? Or what if I die? I don't want to do either. I just want to save you."

Anakin grasped the boy in a tight hug, not wanting him to lose control of his emotions when they were about to go on a very dangerous mission. The only reason Luke went on these sacrificial missions was because he felt he had to. The Jedi had convinced him of that.

A spark of anger lit up in Anakin because of that, but he quickly squashed it, knowing it wouldn't help his son. "Luke, you are very important to me no matter what timeline I'm in. No matter what happens, I will not let you get hurt, okay?"

Luke sniffed and looked into Anakin's eyes, so familiar, yet completely alien.

A curl of dread wormed its way into his stomach and he swallowed tightly. "Of course."

Anakin smiled weakly. "Now come on. This was your idea after all."

Luke nodded and then got to his feet, Anakin following suit. It took almost a second for the stormtroopers to notice them and then shout in surprise, aiming blasters at them and shouting to put their hands up.

There was no turning back now.


As the morning sun rose over the lush treetops of the forest moon of Endor, Darth Vader watched from the railing of an Imperial landing platform, smiling to himself as he felt the presences of the ones he had been waiting for. And they were coming to him willingly just as his Master had predicted. However, he was also fearful, dreading the arrival of his son and his past self. What exactly did Palpatine have planned?

His thoughts were interrupted as a door slid open behind him, one of the Imperial officers entered the hall with two stormtroopers behind him holding two very familiar prisoners tightly by the arms, their wrists clasped together with binders.

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