Chapter 23

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The maneuvers of the Rebel fleet were definitely brave, but the fact that most of them were suicidal was nerve-wracking. One cruiser belonging to the Rebellion was amongst the field of Star Destroyers currently, part of it alive with explosions and brilliant flames. It refused to go down alone, however, when it rammed straight into an Imperial Star Destroyer and exploded, taking both ships with it.

        Meanwhile, the Falcon, Blue Squadron, and Green Squadron worked on taking out one of the larger Imperial ships—the main communications ship. The ship had already been slightly disabled by one of their cruisers, yet it wasn't a fatal wound to the metal monstrosity. They had to take it out while it was still down.

        "Increase power on the lower deflector shields." Lando called into his comm. "We're going in."

        "Right with you, General." Wedge answered. "Close up formations, team!"

        Blaster fire shot from several brilliant maneuvers, the fighters aiming at the Star Destroyer's weak points.

        "Stay clear of their front batteries." Blue Leader warned through his commlink.

        "It's a heavy fire zone down there."

        "Concentrate on the left of the comm tower, she's vulnerable there!" Wedge noted.

        "Right with you."

        Suddenly, a shout came through the comm as Green Wing was hit. "I'm losing power!"

        "Get clear before you blow!"

        The small fighter made a split second decision and dove to the side, landing right in the Destroyer's front batteries.

        A small respectful silence and a mumbled, "Thank you," from Blue Leader.

        Wedge was the first to reeler his head. "Alright team, that opens it up for us! Cut over. The power reactors are just inside that cargo bay."

        "Follow me!" Lando called, directing the Falcon with the snub fighters behind him.

        After a while..."Direct hit!"

        "Pull up, pull up!"

        Just as the squad moved out of range, the Star Destroyer erupted almost beautifully, the different colors of fire lasting briefly as the ship faded away and took on the look of some sort of star. Unfortunately, Blue Leader got caught by the shock wave and cried out his final screams as his fighter blended in with the large explosion. Lando and Wedge were some of the few to escape, silently mournful as they did, yet grateful all the same.

        Ackbar, still on the bridge of the Rebel command ship, commed through to Calrissian. "General, the jamming has stopped. We have a reading on the shield."

        Lando felt a brief sense of hope and desperation. "Is it still up?"

        Ackbar sighed. "I'm afraid so. It looks like General Solo's unit didn't make it."

        Lando closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath as he wondered what exactly was going on down on that moon. 'Come on, Han...'

        "Until they've destroyed our last ship, there's still hope." Lando said firmly, getting another worried look from Nien beside him. The gambler-turned-general's hands gripped the steering mechanism of the ship and he narrowed his eyes. Han wouldn't let him down. He knew that.

        "Come on. We have a job to do."


         Inside the Imperial bunker that held the shield generator on the Endor moon, many Imperial officers, the same ones who had intercepted the Rebels, waited in anticipation for the battle to end outside. The bored troopers and officers all suddenly perked up, however, when the view screen broadcasted a call coming through. They instantly opened it up to see a vague, cut-off picture of one of their Imperial walker pilots. The static and interference was terrible, but the message was clear.

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