Chapter 7

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The Y-wing starfighter settled gently on the swampy ground of Dagobah, its two passengers controlling its motions from the inside.

Once they were safely landed, the cockpit opened with a small hiss, and Luke was the first one to clamber out, peeling his helmet off with a shake of his hair. Anakin quickly followed suit, offering help to Artoo, who beeped harshly at him and popped out on his own. Anakin blinked at the droid's reaction. Quickly making sure Luke was out of earshot, he leaned down towards the astromech.

"Don't you recognize me buddy?" he whispered.

Artoo responded with beeps and clicks, easily understood by Anakin. Droids were his specialty after all. 'Of course I recognize you Master Anakin, but you shouldn't be here. You deactivated.'

Anakin chuckled at the droid's description of death for an organic life form. "I know buddy, I don't know why I'm here either. But could you do me a favor and not mention it to Luke for awhile?"

Artoo beeped excitedly, wobbling back and forth on his stubby metal legs. 'Anything for you, Master Anakin.'

"Thanks, Artoo." Anakin smiled.

   "You understand him?"

Anakin jumped up with a startled yelp, his hand instinctively going to his saber. It took him a few seconds to recognize Luke standing behind him, looking rather amused.

"What are you laughing at?" Anakin snapped, although there was no anger in his tone.

Luke placed his gloved hand over his mouth with a snicker. "Nothing. Sorry to startle you. I was just wondering...I saw you talking to him like you understood what he was saying."

Anakin froze, wondering if the boy had heard the conversation. But if his expression said anything, he obviously hadn't.

"Um, yeah. I understand binary very well. I've been working on droids since I was a boy." Anakin said, self-pride evident in his voice.

"Wow, that's amazing. What'd he say?" Luke asked out of pure curiosity.

"Uh, you know, the usual. Hello and stuff." Anakin improvised.

Luke raised an eyebrow at the answer but shrugged it off. "Well come on, I think I landed the ship in the right place. You come too Artoo."

Artoo warbled in an annoyed tone and Anakin didn't think he should've translated that one.

They walked for a good few minutes before Luke exclaimed in triumph. He walked forward to a small cottage that looked way too small for any human to live in.

"So, who exactly are we meeting here, Luke?" Anakin asked as the boy got on his hands and knees and looked into the windows, making sure someone was home.

"You probably wouldn't know him since he's been in exile for such a long time, but he's the one who taught me almost everything I know about the Force. Him and Ben of course." Luke explained.

"Ben? Who's that?" Anakin asked, plopping down on a rock as his son continued to search for the owner of the cottage.

Luke glanced up for a moment, looking at Anakin. "Ben Kenobi. And I don't think who I'm looking for is here right now. I guess we'll have to wait...I hope he's alright."

Anakin paused at the name. "Kenobi?"

"Yeah, why?" Luke asked.

Anakin shook his head. "No, it's nothing."

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