Chapter 2: Treats

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Once the art school admission process was completed, Mary Elizabeth took Angelo to the Cakes 'n Cookies cafe for a treat.

Angelo loved the place since female customers usually populated it and he could act in what he felt was a more natural manner.

"Good afternoon, Mary Elizabeth, and you, too, Angela," said Jessica, a smooth-faced, young waitress, as they were seated. The two had become fairly regular costumers of the restaurant recently and a couple of the waitresses had gotten to know them.

Mary Elizabeth explained to Jessica that Angelo had just auditioned for, and gotten into the Arts High School.

"Well, that's worth celebrating," Jessica replied.

Jessica was a freshman college student. She had a look most people would describe as "cute," with still a bit of lingering baby-fat that fleshed out an average young woman's body.

"I always wanted to go there, and you're lucky to get in, Angela," Jessica added.

"Well, when you're quite talented in acting, it's the place to be," Mary Elizabeth replied.

"I bet she is. What did you audition with?"

"Hamlet, they had me read two parts, Hamlet and Ophelia."

Jessica was taken aback for a moment. "Really. But, err, but Hamlet is a man's part."

"Yes, and I did that really good. The people I auditioned for loved it."

"I am sure you carried it off well," the young waitress said, as she took their orders: Mary Elizabeth for a Black Forest Cake with an Americano, and Angelo for white chocolate rasberry cookies and Earl Grey, knowing in his own mind that was what British women liked for afternoon tea.

As the waitress left, Angelo turned to Mary Elizabeth, saying, "Mommy, I just love their uniforms here."

"They're so dainty, aren't they?"

The outfits consisted of a thin, flared, black mid-thigh length skirt, with white lace trim and a light pink apron front, topped off by a white peasant blouse, with a square lacy bodice, short puffed up sleeves, and light pink stitched trim.

The waitresses also wore coffee colored sheer hose, white ballet flats and had long, light pink manicured nails. The waitresses nails were all painted the same soft pink color except for the third finger on their right hand, which was painted white.

"Yes, mommy," Angelo answered, "they are, so dainty and beautiful. Maybe, when I'm sixteen I could work here. I could save my earnings to help out with the money for college."

"I don't know if they hire boys, honey, except maybe as busboys or dishwashers."

"But, mommy, I was thinking, I could be a . . ."

"Don't even think of that," Mary Elizabeth stopped him. "You're not going to think now about working here as a girl. You know you have to think about being a boy, now."

Mary Elizabeth, however, couldn't scold Angelo. She knew full well he'd look adorable in a Cakes 'n Cookies dress, and smiled at him, grabbing his slender hand, caressing it gently, wishing in her own heart he could someday become just the waitress he wanted to be.

"I love the outfits you guys wear," Angelo said to Jessica as she put down the coffee and tea.

"Thank you. So do I."

"Yes, all you girls look so lovely in your outfits," Mary Elizabeth added.

"How old do you have to be to work here?" Angelo asked.

"Sixteen," Jessica said. "Why do you ask? You looking for a job?"

"Oh, it'd be fun to be able to eat all the desserts," he said, knowing full well that he couldn't work her, given the current situation. He knew just how much fun it would be getting to walk around the place dressed in that beautiful waitress outfit.

"Well . . . then you'd get chubby like me," the waitress responded with a smile.

"Oh, you're not chubby," Angelo said.

"I'm not slender like you, either, Angela," she responded with a wink, before turning to check on another customer.

"She's a cute girl," Mary Elizabeth stated as the waitress left.

"Oh mommy, I'd be a cute girl, too, if I could work here."

"Yes, I suppose you would, honey, and you'd probably be the prettiest girl in here, too. But for now, you can only dream about that. Until we can work all this out, you still have to be Angelo, my son."

Angelo let out a long sigh, "Yeah Mom, I know, but it's not fair."

During the drive home, Mary Elizabeth began to think about everything Angelo had been forced to go through in the past week. Having to give up on his desires to be a girl, was proving hard on him, but it was something that she had to do. It was out of her control.

If she had a choice there's no way she would put him through this. He would be living as a girl and would start his new school as a girl, but she knew that was impossible if she wanted to be able to keep Angelo.

One week ago, when the adoption agency sent over Miss Simms to check on Angelo and his living conditions they had threatened to take him from her if she continued to try to raise him as a girl. They had insisted that, because he was born a boy he had to be raised "properly", as one and if she couldn't do that then they would find another foster home that could.

In her mind, she agreed with what Angelo had said about it not being fair and she knew that somehow she would find a way to help him.

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