Chapter 19 : Rejection

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Now into the month of October, thanks to the lingering threat from Miss Pentecost and her department, Angelo still had to continue attending school as a boy.

In spite of this, his mannerisms were becoming noticeably more feminine. So much so that he was called in by the school counselor for a meeting. It was at the request of his science teacher who had wondered whether Angelo was facing what he termed "special feelings."

Angelo had also been teased openly for his effeminate behavior, not a lot, at first but as he began to act more and more feminine, there were a few that began to reject him.

"Eeeeewwwwwww, I can't be a lab partner with this creature. It's not a girl and it's obviously not a boy. What is it?" The words came from Sonja, a tall athletic blonde, who was assigned to share a lab desk with Angelo.

"I don't wanna either," echoed another girl, a friend of Sonja.

Except for Eric and the girls in the ballet class, Angelo still hadn't really made friends with any others in the school. To be sure, he felt he was being viewed with disdain by some students due to his questionable gender.

This particular day in science class, hearing the harsh words from the two girls, Angelo couldn't hold back the tears and they flowed openly before the entire class.

This brought a bit of guffaws and derisive laughter before it was silenced by the strong words of Mr. Kennedy. He was the science teacher, a muscular young man who also doubled as an assistant basketball coach.

He told Sonja that she had to share the desk with Angelo, or else face disciplinary action. "We treat all students alike here," he told the class. "No one will be singled out this way."

Sonja moved over to the seat next to Angelo, whispering so only he could hear, "You're weird, an unnatural freak. Don't expect us to become friends. I'll do what I have to pass this class, but just know that I don't like you now and that's not going to change later, sissy boy."

Angelo merely nodded, his face still wet with tears. Mr. Kennedy walked over and handed him a tissue to dry his eyes as he went right into the day's lesson.

After class, he told Angelo that he was sending him to see the counselor, a trained clinical psychologist.

The psychologist asked Angelo what was bothering him, and Angelo said other students were harassing him because he was different. "I don't feel like I'm sick in the head or anything, but that's how a few of the other students are treating me," he told the psychologist.

A few moments later, the meeting with the school psychologist was cut short. This occurred as soon as he realized Angelo was in the foster care system. He offered Angelo no explanation as to why only instructing him to head to his next class and saying he would call the child welfare agency to alert them to the situation in school.

That bothered Angelo because he knew that as soon as Miss Pentecost heard about his continued feminine behavior he would be taken from Mary Elizabeth.

For the rest of the school day, Angelo was unable to concentrate on his class work. He was sick to his stomach worrying about what he knew would happen to him now.

That afternoon, as Angelo got off the school bus, something down the street caught his eye. What he saw was a car in front of his foster mother's house. He immediately knew that it was Anna Simms car.

The first thought to cross his mind was once again, the desire to run away.

For a moment, Angelo stood there seriously considering it, but then quickly dismissed the idea. He knew that doing so again would possibly put him back into situations that he wasn't equipped to handle, and so he told himself that was simply not an option.

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