Chapter 14 : Trouble

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Angelo returned to his room after the morning training session.

The girls had been shown a video on the proper cleansing of their female parts, as well as renewed education on the dangers of having sex, especially with multiple partners.

Maxine, the tall muscular girl, and Jo Marie, the chunky girl, spent much of the session giggling and making fun of the instruction.

It was apparent to Angelo that the two girls had become close. They cut up and laughed throughout the session and they sat next to each other so close, their thighs were touching. Angelo also noticed one of them was constantly touching the other, on a thigh or an arm or rubbing the side of the others face.

Maxine and Jo Marie, along with several other girls, acted as if the session was a bore. Angelo instead found it very interesting, and intriguing; quite informational even.

The room that they put Angelo in had once been a huge walk-in closet at the mansion, and a twin-sized bed was tucked in, under a high shelf. A small, square window let in light and was opened to allow a breeze. The room contained only the bed and a dresser and one plastic patio chair.

Despite its tiny cramped space, Angelo liked the room, perhaps because it was painted in light, airy colors, mainly pinks, light blues and yellow. There was one large picture, showing little girls in bright
costumes dancing around a maypole, each one holding onto a brightly colored ribbon.

He lay curled up on the bed, caressing one of his arms with his other hand, enjoying its slender, smooth softness. He loved how tender and girlish his body was, further confirming his need to be female.

Despite the warm friendliness of the place, Angelo had a gnawing fear. Many of the girls in the shelter scared him. Most of them appeared to be street-smart, tough and hardened.

He, on the other hand, despite his difficult life thus far, had been somewhat sheltered. He knew nothing about intercourse and love and he had been terribly shy throughout all of his schooling. He knew his physical weakness would make him easy prey for others looking for mischief. Indeed, he realized that probably most of the girls at the shelter could easily beat him up.

Maxine and Jo Marie scared him immensely. They were both big girls and appeared to have a nasty streak.

Earlier, sitting in the lounge with the other girls, Angelo had realized how terribly ill-equipped he was, to be in a city this big, without friends or family. Yet, he could hardly return home and face being removed and placed into another household or group home where he'd face bullying and teasing for his feminine ways.

Angelo lay there day-dreaming about how prettily his foster mother had dressed
him for their outing to the play and dinner when the door to his room opened suddenly. Angelo bolted upright in the bed and saw Maxine and Jo Marie burst into the room.

"There's the sweet little Angela," Maxine said sarcastically. "She's too pretty and tender to sleep in the dorm with the street trash."

"Yeah, the perfect little white angel gets special treatment. You know, she's probably not as innocent as she presents. To get this kind of special treatment, I bet she's screwing Melvin," suggested Jo Marie who's grossly fat body jiggled as she laughed.

"No definately not screwing him,  not yet anyways. but she does have a pretty mouth and I bet, given the chance, she  would love to get our sexy Melvin's BBC shoved in it,"  Maxine mused.

"I bet you're right, Maxie,"  Jo Marie added.

Angelo pulled his knees to his chest and hugged then tightly as the conversation played out.  He observed that Maxine was dressed in baggy boy's clothes, and her hair was cropped in almost a "high and tight" military style.

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