Chapter 13 : Shelter

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Angelo's first morning at the home for troubled teen girls, many of them runaways was a marvel to him.

In the eyes of all of the girls (and most of the staff), he was a troubled 15-year-old girl whose name was Angela; having arrived the previous night after being picked up at the bus station.

But soon things would begin to change.

"Did you meet Gigi in the bus stop," one slender, almost anorexic black girl asked as they gathered, along with eleven other girls for a breakfast of oatmeal, toast, orange juice, and bananas.

"Yeah. You know her?"

"Most of us do. Did she come on to you?"

"Yes," he answered, in a shy, almost reluctant voice. "I was afraid of her. She creeped me out."

"It's good you were. It kept you from just going with her," the girl said. "By the way, I'm Charlene. She tried to pick me up, too."

"I'm Angela," he said, "She sat next to me on the bus. I was scared."

"Angela, I'm not sure if you're ready for the big city," Charlene said. "Did you know why she was after you?"

"She said she had a place for me to stay, but I didn't know what she meant. She was scary, and so was that guy with her."

By now all the others were listening in on the conversation, and several had begun to laugh. Angelo knew they were laughing at him. Did they suspect he was really a boy, was his first thought.

"Well, honey, she did have you a place to stay, but it comes with a price," a rather large girl named Jo Marie interjected. "They wanted you to turn tricks."

"Turn tricks," he asked, not sure what that meant.

They wanted you to whore for them."

"Oh?!" Angelo said, suddenly realizing how naïve he was about the ways of the world.

"Maybe, you should have gone with them," Charlene chimed in. "You're just what they want. So darn pretty and cute. Such a dainty little thing. Exactly what the johns are looking for. And white, too."

"I bet she's a virgin," Jo Marie chided.

Angelo was embarrassed and obviously showed it. He quickly realized these girls here had much more experience with life on the streets than he did.

Angelo looked down at his food, saying nothing. Suddenly, he felt a fear, a fear that he was in a situation in which he was incapable of protecting himself.

Maxine had been sitting opposite Angelo. She was a tall, Amazon-like girl that had been saying nothing but kept looking at Angelo, studying him steadily through breakfast.

Angelo glanced at her several times, but she quickly averted her gaze each time. Angelo wasn't sure what to do about Maxine's intense interest in him and it was making him uncomfortable.

"Oh yes," Maxine finally said, in a deep raspy voice. "Those white boys would pay a fortune to enjoy your tight, sweet, virgin honeypot. You're just too cute for words."

Angelo forced a smile while looking at Maxine, hoping she'd stop.

"Whatsamatter? Cat got your tongue cutie," Maxine continued. "No worries, maybe later, I show you how it's done."

Charlene suddenly interjected, "Shut your damn mouth. Leave Angela alone. Can't you see she's frightened?"

Suddenly, tears began rolling down Angelo's cheeks. He felt so alone and scared in this foreign place. These girls were beginning to frighten him. He had never been alone in a big city, and here they were talking about sex and things he knew little about. He desperately wished now to be in the warm arms of his foster mother.

My Foster Mom Wanted A Daughter -  Book 2 Of A SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now