Chapter 26 : Realization

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Early Monday morning, Angelo lay in his bed in the pre-dawn darkness, staring up at the ceiling. Slivers of light from a full moon crept in through the closed mini blinds on the window.

Angelo was wide awake.

He peeked at the time on his smartphone and groaned. Knowing he had another hour, Angelo lay there tossing and turning, but he just couldn't get back to sleep. He had just had a dream that he couldn't get his mind off of.

Far off in the distance, a dog howled, reminding Angelo of a popular teen werewolf movie he had recently seen. He smiled as it briefly brought back memories of the sweet romantic relationship the innocent young female lead character had experienced with the hunky male werewolf.

Angelo sat up in the bed and felt a twisted strap on his bra digging uncomfortably into his shoulder.

He had been wearing a bra nonstop, even to bed, since Christmas break had started because it felt so feminine the way it reassuringly hugged him tightly.

He straightened the strap and began to think more about his dream.

The dream had been about school, more specifically the day in his dream was today and had involved Jason. In the dream, Jason was back at school and had discovered Angelo there as Angelica.

Angelo thought about it and realized that the most disturbing part of the dream for him, was not Jason's reaction, but what he himself had done and how he had felt in response to Jason's reaction.

In the dream, Jason had responded at first, with anger at finding Angelica at his school and discovering that she and Angelo were the same person. By the end of the dream, Jason had accepted this knowledge and ended up asking Angelo/Angelica for a date. Angelo's reaction was to excitedly accept.

This all frightened Angelo and he wondered how long he would be able to avoid Jason. He knew the school wasn't huge and therefore it would be impossible to avoid Jason forever.

Angelo also wondered how things really would go when Jason finally discovered him attending school as Angelica. What would Jason's real reaction be? Would it be similar to his dream or very different? And would Angelo himself react as he had in the dream? Did he want to?

Angelo knew very well that Jason had feelings for him as a girl. He had made that clear several times. He had even said something to that effect at the Halloween dance.

Angelo slid his legs off the edge of the bed and leaned forward to turn on a lamp that sat on his bedside table. The light from the lamp bathed the room in a warm rosy glow as it passed through the translucent pink lamp shade.

He decided that since he wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep, he would repaint his fingers and toes a new color while waiting for time to get ready for school.

Angelo began removing the old color with a cotton ball soaked in acetone, and his thoughts drifted to the day when he had first met Jason in the mall. He began to remember how he'd felt that day and how he'd had butterflies in his stomach when Jason talked to him and asked for Angela's phone number.

At the time he had brushed the feeling off as just nervousness, fear over the possibility of being discovered, but now as he sat there on his bed painting his toenails, with the smell of the remover still burning his nose, he decided that maybe it had been something else.

When Angelo coupled those feelings from the mall, with the pangs of jealousy he had felt seeing Jason and Marie together, and added in his actions in the dream, something occurred to him. He let out a gasp and his eyes went wide as he came to a realization.

Angelo stopped painting his nail and stared up at the ceiling. A lump formed in his throat and his heart began to race.

He accidentally knocked over the bottle of polish, spilling it onto the bedspread as he straightened out his leg and laid back on his bed, but he didn't even notice.

It was at that moment Angelo discovered he had feelings for Jason.

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