Chapter 25 : Confirmation

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For the remainder of the week, Angelo continued to play the role of a new student. He stayed in character and pretended he didn't know anyone or anything at the school.

Lucky for him, Jason hadn't been at school any of those days. Word around the school was that his granddad had died and he wouldn't return until Monday.

At lunch on Friday, Angelo got his tray and headed towards the same seat where he had eaten by himself every day this week.

About halfway to his table, Angelo decided it was time to do what he had been wrestling with for two days. He knew that Jason would be back on Monday and that Jason would immediately know who Angelica was, so he knew it would be better if his friends heard the truth from him rather from Jason.

Angelo stopped, took a deep breath and then headed towards the table where he used to sit. The table where his friends were having lunch, just as he had done with them last semester.

Quietly taking a seat in his old chair, Angelo saw the wide-eyed looks he was got from the others at the table.

"I knew it," Eric loudly exclaimed.

"Knew what, Eric," Marie asked, unsure what Eric's comment had to do with the new girl boldly deciding to join them at their table.

"It's Angelo," Eric exclaimed a little louder than he had meant to, as he pointed.

Angelo looked around the table with a huge grin that he couldn't suppress.

He took a deep breath and nervously began to explain, "Guys, I couldn't do it any longer. It was killing me, not letting you in. I missed you guys too much. I missed our friendship. Yes, it's me, Angelo. But . . . that's not who I am anymore. This is who I am now, and will be forever. I'm now Angelica. So please, don't refer to me as Angelo or a boy, ever again."

Around the table, everyone's jaws had dropped. They were all shocked at what they were now learning.

"Also," Angelo quietly added. "you guys are the only ones that know this truth. For now, I'd like to keep it that way, okay?"

Angelo looked at each person around the table, and they all agreed, vowing to keep Angelo's secret.

When things quieted back down, Eric spoke in his usual dramatic fashion. "Damn Gina, you did a good job, girl. You played that so well, even I was almost convinced that maybe it wasn't you after all."

"That was the point, Eric. I wanted to make sure everyone saw me as a girl and not Angelo in a dress. I'm happy it worked so well. I was afraid that everyone knew and that it was going to blow up at any moment. I was really afraid that you had it figured out when I sat down next to you on that first day, Eric."

"I did have it figured out. I thought it was you and I was so sure I was right, but you did such a good job of pretending you were someone else that you finally convinced me that maybe, I was wrong."

"So none of the rest of you had a clue?"

"I had a suspicion on the first day when you came into dance class and Eric tried to tell me it was you, but the more I watched your mannerisms and how you didn't dance as well as Angelo, I quickly decided my suspicion was wrong," Cecile answered. "You really transformed yourself. I don't think any of us would have ever truly been sure if you hadn't told us. That's good though, right? "

"Yeah," Jackie, another girl at the table, exclaimed. "Can you imagine how bad it could be for you if everyone knew the truth? I mean, most of the school is pretty tolerant, but there that small group that would make your life hell."

"Your secret's safe with us," Marie added. "We will do everything we can to ensure no one finds out or even suspects."

"So, what does this mean for you now," Cecile asked inquisitively. "You gonna live the rest of your life as a girl?"

"Really, Cecile," Eric asked, trying to convey to Cecile that he didn't think that was an appropriate question to be asking.

"No, no. It's all right, Eric," Angelo replied. "It's a fair question. And I'll answer anything you guys wanna ask. As long as it stays between us . . . Well, Cecile, my  desire is to never ever spend another day of my life pretending to be a boy. I have always known inside that I was a girl, and now I finally get to be that person, outwardly."

"You gonna start taking hormones," Cecile asked, digging deeper.

Eric cut his eyes over at Cecile. She could see that he didn't like that she was asking yet another question. "Cecile, that's personal!"

Cecile replied to Eric's look and comment, "Eric, she said she would answer anything we asked and I found this all quite interesting."

"Yeah, it's okay Eric. Just chill. I'm okay with her interest and I want you guys to know what's going on with me."

Turning towards Cecile, Angelo began to answer her question, "Yes, that's the plan. Soon, too. I don't want to go through male puberty and have it mess up my body structure and deepen my voice."

"That makes sense. You wanna have the surgery too," Cecile asked before sticking her tongue out at Eric.

"I have thought about it a lot. I think so, but it's scary. I mean I really want to be a complete girl, but still, it's a big decision and an expensive surgery."

At this point, Maria got in on the questions, "How does your foster mom feel about this? Is she still going to adopt you?"

"My foster mom loves me unconditionally and just wants me to be happy. So she's fine with it. Oh, and get this, even before she knew that I wanted to be a girl, she told me that she had originally tried to adopt a girl because that's what she really wanted."

"Oh my gawd, that's so awesome," Eric squealed in a high girly voice. "I wish I was as sure as you appear to be."

About that time, the bell rang to signal the end of their lunch period and they all got up to put away their trays and trash. Walking towards the lunchroom exit, each of them took turns giving Angelo a supportive hug.

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