Chapter 24 : Angelica

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"Angela," Mary Elizabeth called down the hall, "Sweetheart, we need to get going if you're riding with me. I know you don't want to take the bus on your first day of school as a girl, but that's what's going to happen if you don't hurry up. I've got that meeting this morning, I gotta go."

"Coming mom," Angelo replied as he picked up a pair of black, fur-collared mid-calf suede boots from beside his bed.

He checked his face and hair in the mirror one last time. He picked up a bottle of perfume, Wonderstruck by Taylor Swift, and applied several spritzes to his hair and body as he grabbed a hat and scarf from his closet. Tossing the perfume bottle on the bed, he rushed out of his room and hurried down the hall.

"I just have to get my shoes on and I'll be ready to go," he told Mary Elizabeth as he plopped down on to the couch and began to slip his freshly painted, metallic silver toes into a pair of smooth, white, knee-high socks.

A single tear moistened each of Mary Elizabeth's eyes and a lump formed in her throat, as she watched Angelo. He had entered the room wearing thick black winter leggings underneath a mauve colored suede skirt that came two inches above his knees and a fluffy, multicolored pastel sweater with a large, butterfly on the front.

The butterfly was just noticeably pushed forward due to the "AA" cup training bra and tiny breast forms he had on underneath.

As he sat there, one leg crossed over the other, ziping his boot up the side, Mary Elizabeth was overcome with conflicted emotion.

On one hand, she was excited for Angelo. She could see that he was a picture of beautiful femininity sitting there.

With brunette lowlights in his, otherwise light blonde hair and shoulder length extensions, no stranger on the street would ever question whether they are looking at a boy or girl. Taking in his hair, along with a hint of mascara and blush, new ear piercings and the outfit, there's no way they wouldn't believe they were looking at a girl.

But, on the other hand, these weren't strangers that he was about to reveal himself to. These were the same classmates that all knew him as Angelo - the odd, feminine acting, presumably gay, boy. So, she was very worried over what was about to happen.

Would his classmates accept him as Angela? Or would they turn on him, reject him, mocking and laughing at the change?

With the boots now on his feet, Angelo stood up. He flashed a girly smile at his foster mom as he adjusted his hair, pulling some of the long ends in front of his shoulders.

He then boldly proclaimed, "Mom, I'm ready to begin the first day of the rest of my life. I decree that from today forward, I will forever be your daughter. Angelo is gone for good and only Angelica remains."


"Yeah, mom. I decided I like that better than Angela. It sounds more . . . I'm not sure exactly what to call it, I just like it better. It's more . . . Me."

With that, he moved towards Mary Elizabeth and she embraced him in a warm lingering hug as she began to speak, "Angelica, I've waited for this day for so long. I can't even begin to express how happy for you I am. I know you've been waiting your whole life and you're beside yourself with excitement, but I want you to remember that not everyone at school will be as happy about this as you and I are. Just remember everything we talked about last night and don't let them discourage you. Okay?"

Angelo picked up a light pink knit scarf and matching knit hat. He pulled the hat down over the top half of his ears and then began to wrap the scarf around his neck.

"Yeah mom, I know. Trust me. I can handle it. Besides, everyone in my dance class already sees me as a girl. This won't be that big of a leap," Angelo assured his foster mom.

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