Chapter 12 : Safety

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Karen got Angelo a can of cola, and told him to remain where he was. She was going to seek out someone who could help him, but first she asked for his foster mother's phone number.

"I'm going to need to call your foster mother," she said. "As a child outreach worker, I'm obligated to see that you are returned home safely, and I assure you we'll stress with your County Child Welfare Agency how critical it is that they understand your concerns about them rejecting your feelings of femininity."

Angelo sat pondering for a moment, what she had just said. He wondered if it was truly safe for him to allow her to call Mary Elizabeth. "What if they have my foster mom's phone tapped?"

"Angelo honey, I understand your concern but I promise you that's not the case. Not only that, I will be discrete until I am sure no one from The agency is there with your mom and listening in on the phone conversation."

This answer gave Angelo the confidence he needed and he gave Karen the number. Karen then picked up her cell phone and dialed. Angelo sat intently listening.

A shriek of joy could be heard by Angelo, coming from Karen's phone when she got Mary Elizabeth on the line and began to explain that Angelo was in Denver, safe in the hands of an organization that specialized in handling runaway teens.

Karen also explained, that Angelo had told her the full story of his feelings about being a girl and that she completely understood those concerns.

"If it's okay with you, Mrs. Dayton," Karen inquired. "We can keep Angelo here overnight. We have a spare room so he can have complete privacy. Normally we don't keep boys here, but I think we can make an exception." She winked at Angelo with that last remark.

"And," she continued, "We're more used to dealing with gender confused children here in Denver than they might be, there in your small town. Before we return Angelo to your county, I'm going to get the Child Welfare people here involved. They have a program for children who have alternate needs. I think they may be able to talk with your Miss Pentecost and anyone else there that doesn't know how to deal with Angelo's needs. We will do everything we can to work with you and Angelo to try to keep you guys together and Angelo happy. "

Karen finally, handed the phone over to Angelo. "Your mom wants to hear your voice, dear. You scared her really bad."

"Oh mommy," he said, holding back tears that came over the joy of hearing her voice. "I'm so sorry for all of this, but I-I saw that awful Miss Pentecost going into the house with those other people when I was coming down the street from the bus stop. I just knew they were coming to take me away from you and put me in that boy's group home."

"They were, honey, they were. Listen, I want you to promise me you'll never run away again," Mary Elizabeth told him. "But, in this case, I'm glad you did. She was all set to take you for good. She was mad as she could be since she was convinced that I knew where you were and just wasn't telling her. They even threatened to put me in jail."

"Oh mommy, I've caused you so much trouble."

"No honey, you've brought me so much joy. We'll get through this. I talked to Heather's boyfriend, Michael, earlier and he is going to be able to help you out, too. I know what Karen says she can do from there, but Michael also has a rights group that is willing to take your case to court if need be."

"Oh, mommy. Maybe I can still be your little girl, after all," Angelo said, almost ready to leap for joy.

"Maybe? With all this help, I know so. There's no way it won't happen now, Angela," she replied, using his girl name.

"Angela. You called me Angela, mommy! I love you so much."

"So many people love you, Angela. We all see you as our sweet little girl. Now... you are going to stay there overnight, so get some rest and I'll be there to pick you up tomorrow. I love you sweetie. Bye."

"Bye mommie,"Angelo told her before handing the phone back to Karen. He waited while Karen talked to Mary Elizabeth for a few minutes more. During the conversation Karen suggested to Mary Elizabeth that she allow Angelo to stay there at the shelter until the weekend, so that she could talk with Angelo more and evaluate him.

Mary Elizabeth agreed to this and after Karen gave her directions about where she would meet them on Saturday morning to pick up Angelo, the conversation ended.

Karen explained to Angelo about the plan and how he would be there till Saturday, then she took him to a very small bedroom, where she explained that he'd have privacy and no one would bother him.

"You can freshen up in the bathroom at the end of the hall, and I'll give you a nightie and robe so you can join the other girls in the lounge," Karen told him, "While you're here Angela, no one except me and the other staff members will know anything more about you, other than you're a fifteen-year-old girl named Angela."

"Oh Karen, you've been so good to me. Thank you," he told her.

Karen left and Angelo sat down on the edge of the bed, exhausted from all that had happened it past three hours. As he thought about it all, a single tear trickled down his cheek.

After a few moments he walked down the hall to the bathroom, carrying a towel, the nightie and the robe. He showered, avoiding his face, because was afraid to remove the makeup, fearing he would look too much like a boy without it.

Once he had dried off and dressed, he joined the girls in the lounge and soon he was giggling with them over a foolish scene in the show they were watching, just as if he belonged with them as one of the girls. He was Angela again, at least for night anyway, and soon, hopefully for good.

My Foster Mom Wanted A Daughter -  Book 2 Of A SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now