Chapter 21 : Underskirt

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"Oh my gawd, that's awesome," Tanya squealed, "I'm so excited for you, Angela. You've waited so long. I think I'm gonna tear up, I'm so happy."

Tanya was beside herself with happiness for Angelo as he told her about the results of his psychological evaluation, over the phone.

"So, you're gonna come to our Halloween costume party now, right?"

"Costume party," Angelo asked curiously.

"Yeah. Me and some other girls from my school are in charge of planning the annual Halloween party at school and I want Angela to come. Besides, we haven't got to hang out nearly enough since school started," she said, using his female name.

"Showing up as Angela wouldn't be a costume for me," he replied, almost giggling at the prospect.

"I know, silly, but you could come as a woman character. Like Wonder Woman or Black Widow or maybe Hermione. Wait, I'm in charge of costumes for the next play at school. I know, . . . You could be Cinderella. The theater department did that play last year and the gown, wig, and glass slipper costume is still there. I saw it just yesterday. That's it. I'll bring it home tomorrow. I bet it would fit."

"I do like that idea. Cinderella? Really? Can you," Angelo excitedly inquired.

"Angela, yes. I can and I will. You'll make a beautiful Cinderella. Oh my, I can't wait."

They agreed Angelo would come to Tanya's house after school on Friday to try it all on for the Halloween Party on Saturday.

The following day Tanya took the outfit home. The dress was a beautiful blue chemise gown. It could be worn as an open back gown, or it could be worn as a closed gown with the reversible closure panels fastened in the back.

The baby blue colored material flowed to within inches of the floor, and it had an open bodice and ruffled sleeves that ended at the elbow. White silk elbow-length gloves covered the rest of the arms.

"I love it," Angelo exclaimed as soon she laid eyes on it. "It's so elegant."

"And you'll look lovely in it. I sure hope it fits."

Tanya also showed Angelo a corset and camisole that he would wear underneath the gown, helping to form a more feminine figure. The corset had metal stays and could be tightened by ties in the back.

Angelo giggled a bit. "I need that corset," he said. Even though he had a slight frame, he had grown a slightly punchy tummy and he knew the corset would make him so much more curvy and cute.

The two of them spent the next half-hour dressing Angelo. First, the corset was put on, with Angelo holding his arms high over his head while Tanya put it on him, and set it in place.

"It's tight already," Angelo informed Tanya.

"You're getting to be a bit of a chubby girl," Tanya giggled. "We'll slim you down now. Hold on."

She began to lace up the back of the corset, making it tighter and tighter. "Now grab on to the bedpost, Angela, while I see if I can
get it even tighter."

Angelo began cursing all the sweets he'd been eating recently, as Tanya tightened down on the corset laces. He was holding on for dear life to the bedpost, as Tanya braced her knee against his butt so she could pull the laces tight.

"I can hardly breathe," he said, sounding winded.

"But now you have a nice girly form," she told him.

This made Angelo smile, knowing that as his tummy was compressed, his
hips would become more obvious and any extra fat or skin in his chest area would become more noticeable above the corset, being pushed up as breast.

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