My Foster Mom Wants A Book 3?

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Hi, Angelica Autumn Ward here. I know, I  know, I'm breaking the 4th wall, characters aren't supposed to talk to the reader. Well, I talked to Sabrynabrooklynne about this and she agreed to allow me to talk to you, briefly.

First of all, a little update. As I write this, it's been ten years to the day since mom presented me with my new birth certificate and name change paperwork. Let me tell you, what a ten years it's been. After high school, I attended and graduated from college with a double major in xxxxxx and xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx two years later I ended up xxxxx xxx xxxxx xx xxxxx and we xxx xxx xxxxxx xx. It took almost xxxxx years xxxxx xxx xxxxx  for xxxxx to xxx xxxxx xxx. I met a rich xxxx who xxxxx with my xxxxx and xxx xxxx. Mom xxxxx xxxx xxxx me. You'll never believe what xxxxxxx xxxto me and caused xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx, seriously. PThe greatest accomplishment of my life so far was when xxxxx was xxxxx. xxxxx had been the xxxxx xxxxx  person in my xxxxxx.

(editors note: details redacted, on the account of, I reserve the right to write a 3rd book and Angelica's details would have spoiled that story.)

So, Sabrynabrooklynne went and deleted the details of my future, then asked me to write something different. I guess I agree with her decision, if she is actually going to write a book three. A lot of the comments say that's what you want, so let's hope it happens. (I do know Sabrynabrooklynne is pretty busy right now.)

I can tell you this, my life didn't end after the State of Colorado officially recognized me as a girl, and it wasn't the end of Miss Simms either.

Now, Jason, I could try and tell you right now what happens to Jason and I'm guessing you would love for me to, but we both know Sabryna would just censor it. Let me just say that when you do finally find out what happens to him, you are going to be dxxxxxxxed.

There's other things I'm sure you'd like to know, like:

--My siblings and my aunt-- You'd probably like to know all about the time my mom and I went to see them and revealed to them, the new me, right?

--Something potentially life changing happened to me on the night of my senior prom. You'd probably love to know what it was? I'll tell you this much, even Sabrynabrooklynne hasn't heard that story from me yet, and I'm afraid it's going to be really hard for me to - to tell her.

Even now I'm tearing up thinking about it.

--Would you like to know what happened to me physically? Like if I had surgery or not? Of course you would, you bunch of voyuers.

There's a lot I'll have to sit down and tell Sabryna if a book three is to become a reality. Hopefully I'll get to do that soon, cause if anyone is going to tell my story, she's the only one I want to do it.

Hey, I've got an idea. You can message me here and let me know what you would like to read about me in the next book and that's what I'll let Sabryna know, okay?

Meanwhile, I'd like to recommend some of Sabryna's other stories if you haven't already read them. I have and let me tell you, even if you don't like them, I thought they were pretty good.


I love this one, it's a story about a boy that has a series of events happen to him that leaves him questioning whether he really is a boy or not or ever was, for that matter. It's an epic, so far, two book series that will have you feeling emotion for not only the main character, James, but his best friend, Rebecca and all the other characters as well.

As I write this, the second book is not yet completely finished. 😢 I check my Wattpad notifications every day, hoping an update has been posted. Maybe, by the time you read this, it'll be complete and you won't have to wait.

My Foster Mom Wanted A Daughter -  Book 2 Of A SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now